
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:12:21
more的用法问题“人数变得更多”,这样翻译 The people are more .好像不行 .many 不能直接做表语对吧?原句的前三个单词不变,那么要more要换什么单词的比较级呢,列举些能用比较级的表示“更多” 三一口语6级 急The computer is widely used in all fields of society. Today, wherever you go, you will find computers being used. For example, computers are used in universities, large corporations, and small offices, etc. It has even entered the 三一口语有代报名的么? David has a b ( ) day.He has no t( ) for breakfast 一言既出驷马难追 有哪些泰文歌是用中文歌的旋律配上泰文词的?歌曲是泰文唱的,但其旋律我们中国人也很熟悉的,或者说中文也有相对应的歌的,这类的歌曲有谁知道有哪些?需要泰文歌名. __the person who is talking to you is bad manners.A.Looking into B.Looking away fromC Looking up to D.Looking though 英语中的句子前面有定冠词the是不用翻译的 那数不数得清有多少个句子是这样的. 泰文的5个音调是怎么写的? 泰文如何拼写我想知道泰文怎么拼写 输入法电脑里有 我就想知道怎么打出一个短语什么的就跟我们的拼音是一样的 几个英文字母就可以打出一个字来谁有这方面的教程只要发给我 想写一篇关于如何做好保安工作的文章,是工厂的保安,而且刚上岗,给的题目是:未来几年里如何做好保安工作!最好给个详细点的, 厦门市有没有山东路 Street: Songshan Road NO.208 City with code: Xiamen 361005 这个地址是假的吗? "一言既出,驷马难追."这句话的意思请说出表面意思和实际意思 一言既出,驷马难追.的意思和含义. “一言既出,驷马难追”表达的意思是什么 一言既出,驷马难追的意思是什么? Two people are together important be feeling,together your feeling is very sweet and. two people are together important be feeling,together your feeling is very feeling is so important是什么意思 写一篇我和福娃一起成长的作文 形如two to two to two two 这样的一句英语冷笑话,加翻译. He moved a piece (棋子) without care.I gave my attention to the board.翻译 世界上最二的英文莫过于从1.58到2.02two to two 我没看懂 帜怎么读?组词,造句 is “Not any A is B. 英语的怎么写? The chair____you broke yesterday is lost.A which B what C as D of which Is the chair__me,please?No,is taken.Is the chair__me,please?No,is takenA,forB,toC,withD,from 三元里抗英斗争故事急.急 甫加什么偏旁组成什么字?组词? 甫加偏旁三个并组词