
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:25:05
定语从句:i'll never forget the village ____ i was born in A .where B.that Cwhich Dwhati'll never forget the village ____ i was born inA .where B.that Cwhich Dwhat答案是which,我想知道为什么that不能选3楼的能否再继续解释一 have you been to the Sports Center that is just opend in town .定语从句在句中的成分 26.Some people fear that ______ air pollution may bring about changes in ________ weather around tA./; the B.the; / C.an; the D.the; a what is shown in the diagram above /describes/ clearly that some /changes/ have taken place这个句子里面的 describe 动词应该用单数还是负数 ,这种主语从句 怎么界定谓语动词单复数 好听的英语网名,带翻译,快哈 为什么人类要捕杀鲸 i am reading some newspapers about fashion 英语翻译1.They were the products of the Mattle Company and were named after the daughter of the inventor.2.It is reported that more than one billion Barbie dolls have been sold across the world.3.Unlike people ,they do not have a fixed shape or b He is reading some newspapers.(改为否定句) John.hurt.himself.in.the.fighting .at.school的翻译 英语翻译And yet,while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism,we are unwilling to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise.while怎么解释? He believes in himself,which,in my opinion ,is of the most importance.的翻译 英语翻译some things are ersier when you are very tall.you can ersili reach things which are high up.you can help a cat off the tree without using a ladder.you can easili see football matches.or you can pick apples from apple trees.But some things I'm doing some reading now.改为一般疑问句 He is true to himself怎么翻译 Love himself for who he is.翻译 帮我想个英文名字 又波这个字 为什么要有杀鲸这个活动刚看了法罗群岛捕鲸的传统,真是血腥,为什么会有这么一个传统?还一个问题就是,他们是怎么捕获这么大的鲸鱼进行屠杀的? 我英语老是考不到满分,肿么办?我的英语成绩在班级很好,基本每次都在140以上,可是最多就149,老考不到150,为什么?我也做题了,可是完形、阅读有时会扣分,怎么提高? There used to be a cinema here before the war翻译下`怎么翻译出来的 请问这个字怎么起英文名字?“椋”字,发音同“良”.我想起个谐音相同或者尽量相近的英文名字,用什么好呢?是男的,姓史 Some of the students were late for the meeting,but I can't remember_______.A.whatB.whenC.whichD.whom选which. 换个形式说present at the meeting were some students and theachers 日本人为什么杀海豚和鲸鱼?如题 日本人为什么要捕杀海豚?而那些所谓的爱护动物人士和那些发达国家怎么都无法阻止?看到海豚被残忍的杀死,心里真难受. 在日益进步文明前好保持着固有落后传统文化,日本人还是大量扑杀和猎食吃鲸鱼和海豚,地震是对他们的惩罚在日益进步文明前好保持着固有落后传统文化,日本人还是大量扑杀和猎食吃鲸鱼 in ten years time的英语作文怎么写?60个单词. 英语翻译 There were some students in the classroom just now.改为一般疑问句 There are some students in the classroom (改为否定句) There were some students in the library.(改为否定句)急急急急急!… Not only 的倒装用法