
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:03:12
说下为什么.1 Shanghai has two big zoos.One is Shanghai Zoo,_____ is Shanghai Wild Animal Park.A.other B.another C.the other Dothers2.Mr Sith is ______ father.A.Jacks and James B.Iack's and James' C.Jack and James' DJack's and James(为什么我 急.说下道理!1.Alice went ____(boat) with her friends last Sunday.2.Computers are_______(help)in our lives.We can use them to do many things.3.We got the news from an ______(advertise)on the noticeboard.4.Lisa's father is an engineer in a Japanes 说下理由句型转换:To look up the words in a dictionaryis helpful for us.(改为同义句)______is helpful for us ______look up the words in a dictionary.They are too tired to exercise.(同上)They don't exercise because they_____ _____ ___ 大哥啊,偶相信您还是有一捏捏同情心滴,求求你啦,帮哥们一把吧,明儿要交的啊!(不要这么淡定地看着问题!更不要光笑不答!)每章都写好序号,字越少越好,越简洁越好!最好每章只有一句话! 草房子第七章有哪些人物 布达拉宫是什么国的哪个市? 好无聊啊 不想听课不想听课不想听课 下学期想变得文静,然后认真听课.以前都不怎么听课的, 这个是怎么变的? 第一步:取一个自然数n1=5计算n1的2次方的a1;第二步:算出a1的各位数字之和的n2,计算n2的2次方+1得a2;第三步:算出a2的各位数字之和的n3,在计算n3的2次方+1得a3;······依此类推,则a20 英语教学论文的写作步骤有什么写作步骤的?还要注意什么? 有什么好听的英文歌,说下! 有什么好听的(英文)歌说下 好听的英文歌,哪个有!说下. 有什么好听的英文歌啊.说下! 一个牧场,因天气冷,草以固定的速度减少.33头牛可以吃5天,24头牛可以吃6天,问10头牛可以吃几天? 在正方形ABCD中,对角线AC,BD相交于点O,AE平分 牛为什么看到红色会愤怒? 牛为什么看见红的会发怒 说下理由哈1.We all know that_____ can be used to make many things ,so it's our duty to protect____ A.woods;wood B.woods.woods C.wood.wood Dwood woods 2.I remember on that day______ came one after another to our family.It really surprised all o 2题最好给我说下理由!1、We decide to start at 7:00 this evening.(同义句转换)We _____ _____ ______ to start at 7:00 this evening.We _____ _____ ______ _____ to start at 7:00 this evening.2、It is cold.It was much colder yesterday.( 几道英语题,说下理由1、It was an exciting moment for there fans this year,____ for the first time in years thty saw the singerA that B which 2、 Jack, ____ life had once been very hard, was successfulA for whose B for who 秦始皇和汉武帝为加强中央集权,在思想方面分别采取了什么措施?有人说秦皇是千古一帝,有人说他是暴君,你眼中的他是个什么样的人?(注意评价人物要全面) 在正方形ABCD中,两条对角线交于点O,∠BAC的平分线交BD于点E.若正方形ABCD的周长是16 cm,则DE长(图略)先求出∠DAE=∠AED,得出DE=AD=4但我开头没想到这种发法,用了一种更复杂的方法,答案确对不上 这是条什么狗? 在正方形ABCD中,两条对角线相交于点O,∠BAC的平分线AE交BD于点E.若正方形的周长是20cm 请问这条是什么狗~ 七年级上册历史发明和创造 这条小狗是什么狗啊 请大家看看这是条什么狗? 八年级上册物理题目求大神解答1、某市正在建设连接中心城区与外围区域的快速公交系统,它具有专用的车道和站点,有利于中心城区各项功能的向外辐射和向心聚焦.(1)已知从起点站到终 请问一下化工门户谁听说过呢?