
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 23:28:58
怎么样才能快速的记忆英语单词记单词很吃力,要好多单词啊.我按音节来背很快知道怎么拼......但是中英意思常常搞错...... 已知番茄红果A对黄果a为显性,杂合子Aa自交,从F1植株上获得1600个番茄,从理论上分析,有黄番茄几个.Aa自交,F1不是应该符合分离定律吗?是我哪里理解错了~ 同舍生皆被绮绣中舍的意思 同舍生皆被绮绣的"被"的用法 同舍生皆被绮绣前句 East Of The Sun (And West Of The Moon) 歌词 East Of The Sun (And West Of The Sun) 歌词 you are always on my heart 有人知道这是什么意思吗east o' the sun and west o' the moon? 歌词有 you are the sun,the moon以前在广东的一个电台节目经常播放的~ lucky twice- me and you 歌曲链接 求:lucky twice的me and you放在空间的链接 . 与“同舍生皆被绮秀”的“被”意义用法相同的句子有哪些? 同舍生皆被绮绣中的通假字和通假字的意思 YOU ALWAYS PLAY A KEY ROLE IN MY HEART!这名话翻译成中文是什么意思 哪位帮我翻译一下you are always on my mind,in my dreams and in my heart 翻译 you are always the best in my heart. 英语翻译 YOU will always have a special place in my heart翻译成汉语 花的结构用英文怎么讲 You are always in my Heart .Can' t you feel my heartbeats 英语阅读,Lawrence Henderson was walking slowly in the school garden,deeply lost in thought.Several weeks earlier a company laboratory in town had asked him to work for them at almost twice the money he was getting as a teacher.He didn’t know wh 题目如图 求学霸大神解答~ 给六到八岁的小男孩买什么玩具好呢? When_____you _______(come) to china?Last year. 一友情为话题写一个排比句 Did you brother___the Party last year?别嫌弃啊最好解释哈字喽有没有IN啊 join join in? His brother became a football player last year when提问 白云杯奥数初一数学试题 急需 “一张孩子的笑脸”英语怎么说如题,请问可不可以说成a baby smile?我主要是想知道我这样译对不对,还是不太对? Is it better more vegtables than meat?Yes,so we"d better?more vegtables next time. My brother has been in Africa since last year.翻译:我兄弟从去年就在非洲了.请问has been 不是说是去过,现在回来了吗?怎么他还在非洲?