
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:10:22
combat是什么意思 never forget to say "_____"when you get help form someone.1 All light 2 Sorry 3 Thank you 4 OK 该地有太古界阜平群变质岩系分组命名地的典型地层实测剖面,及构造侵蚀奇峰深峡的地貌景观、石瓮、溶洞景 如何给产品命名,产品命名法则 is was a sunny ____ not very warm day --it was warm yesterday.-------A it is so today B so was it today C so is it today D so it did today come 看看我做的对不对. 英语翻译要完整,全文翻译Regarding the International Children's Day,it is widely celebrated on June 1.Children's Day had its origin in the World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children in Geneva in 1925.The June 1 date has a Chinese-USA ori 英国 译成英文 他们是英国工人吗?(译成英文) journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis什么意思 怎样调查 中西方文化差异 蔫怎么组词 间冰期为什么气温高 用 蔫,噢,怔,喋,艰,涩,坠,忐,忑,沓,倚,组词串一段话 在做一道加减法时,把其中的一个加数的小数点漏掉了,结果比真确答案多出16.2,原 Are you doing some________?线上填什么?A、clean B、cleans C、cleaned D、cleaning高手快! 法国和墨西哥哪个赢 计算一道减法题,将被减数的小数向右移动一位.他算的差比正确结果大25.65.正确的结果是多少吗? 什么词语后面要加遥望啊? 有谁能翻译这个?:when the moon is rising. ait the momet. l'm miss your life. and miss you so. and the the at words picturesand the the at words pictures learn look (.) You can see words and pictures on the s___ of the computer.You can see words and pictures on the s___ of the computerYou move the m___with your hand to move the cursor on the screen.A machine that puts your words and pictures onto paper is called a p 不允许争论可以用什么成语代表 什么成语的意思是为自己去争论和解释 “不允许辩论,争论"的成语谢谢了, 2008年9月25日,神舟七号飞船成功实现了发射 空间实验和回收工作.问:地面各个测控站能准确的用一种波对船进行遥控,这种波---------(填“是”或“不是”)超声波,理由是------------------------- 2008年9月27日16时43分,中国 神七 载人飞船航天员崔世刚实施中国首次()活动 policeman's bag是什么意思 一个减法算式的被减数是741,小强计算时,把减数的百位和个位上的数字互换了,结果得526.正确答案是多少? 神七发射为什么会产生大量的白色气体 I would prefer to study this evening ____ go out.选项:a、more than b、other than c、less than d、