
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 19:06:55
We are going to (sing and dance).用括号部分提问 Liu Tao can sing "We can sing and dance" 引号内部分提问回答了“What can he sing"被判错误,难道是What can he do? We can (sing and dance) at Children's Palace(对括号部分提问)我刚来分加不了那么多 The rain ________to last until the end of this Friday选项A.expeted B.has expected C.expects D.is expected首先 C肯定是排除了,因为雨是被期待的.A只能做定语,定rain 连起来整个句子缺少谓语,所以也被排除了.在B 和 D 英译汉material available to the customer是什么意思With this in mind,if a person given only the material available to the customer can not resolve the problem,then there is an issue development needs to resolve. try my best to study the chief 是什么意思? The rain may last till friday请帮我翻一下,may 有关舟曲泥石流的英语周记,高中水平,100字如题 because放句中,前面也一定要是完整句子吗?后面引导从句什么的不用解释了,就前面,一定要满足什么条件? "瑶"这个字怎么读 歆瑶 怎么读? 瑶不要王怎么读 这个函数中,Content 如何写,如下 Intent intent=new Intent(this,myactivity.class);上边中的this指的是哪个?安卓工程中的函数, startActivity("infor",new Intent(SubSonActivity2.this,SubSearchscription.class));是什么意思 PendingIntent.getActivity(context,0,intent,0) 启动Activity和startActivity(intent)有什么区别? DO you like the piant? 中文是什么? ()dinosaurs do you like?l like()the dinosaurs. Do you like the plant 怎样回答? do you like __ __ the classroom A.to sit ; in front B.sit; in front C.sitting ; in front D.sitting ; in the front of After letting him know where my house was.翻译中文 读jie五行属水的字,多给几个!如题 怎么做自由职业 什么是自由职业? 鸟字打头的词浯 把搭配合适的词浯用线连起来? abcc式词浯 none of中的ofnone是介词,那of又是个啥?>'' 慧眼识人,认物、跟踪、身份证词浯有什么表达作用 二级建造师报考问题,本人金融专业大一学生,假期想考二建证挂靠赚点钱.1.本人在山东考二建,报名时想用假证,容易报上么?2.关键是报名时认真审查年龄么?要4年工作经验,虽然可以找人作假, 英语四级证丢了怎么办?考号也没了,还能查到么? all of和all都接可数名词的复数吗? 改错句子,找出错误的单词,请写出正确的单词lf you need help ,you can dial this number to look for him.l found my shoes broken,so l bought a new one.