
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:48:39
请问一简单电路:10V电压经过串联的两个电阻,R1是1K,R2是2K,那么R1与R2中间点电压是多少!求计算公式!还有各电流又是多少呢!求计算公式! 已知3t=X-2,y=5t+2用代数式表示Y则Y=() 请帮我翻译一下:the well-known long march rocket series was developed by th 线性代数:见下图.别人都说简单,可是本人不懂啊. 在蒸发皿中加热蒸干并灼烧(低于400C)下列物质的溶液,可得到该物质固体的是A.氯化铝 B碳酸氢钠 C硫酸镁 D高锰酸钾 求一道物理计算题答案回答正确追加30分7.5千瓦电机,额定转速1500转,带动离心机轮直径195厘米,问电机皮带轮直径是多少回答正确追加30分 聊胜于无聊的意思 一道物理计算题,回答得好的追加悬赏!在线等!必须写过程!~~~一玻璃杯的质量是450克,当瓶中装满水时总质量是1.65千克,则玻璃瓶的容积为多少毫升?当此瓶装满某种液体时,液体和瓶的总质量是1 聊胜于无的胜字是什么意思?急!急!急! “聊胜于无”的“聊”什么意思?谁知道? 聊胜于无的聊字的字义是什么? 一道应用题.好的30财富值.两个齿轮咬合在一起转动,主动齿轮有50个齿,每分钟转100转,从动齿轮有20个齿,每分钟转多少转? 聊胜于无的聊字是什么意思,我有3个选项,你选个,急 1.姑且 2.依赖 3.聊天 选个, 必须写公式和过程,问的是这题 猜猜她/他是谁 作文 300-500字 ⑴设X服从区间[a,b]上的均匀分布,试证明Y=X+c(c为常数)也服从均匀分布.⑵证明题:若三个事件A、B、C相互独立,则(A∪B)与C独立. People themselves can do a lot of to stay healthy.Wash your hands o_____(1).This will s______(2)germs passing from person to person.Don't u_____(3)your hands when coughing.Use a tissue,and them throw it a______(4)at once.T______(5)your head away from 阅读理解填词, Mr.White was nearly ninety,so it was often difficult for him to remember things,but he still liked traveling very much,so he and his wife went England every year.One summer when they were there,they went to visit some friends.One of his friends had t 一篇初二的阅读理解填词..急.Nowadays it is not unusual for many studenta to have part-time jobs.During this past winter holiday.I onec w___(1) as a waiter a McDonald's.I think i an old e__(2) to earn money by myself,and i don't want to kee China CGame,Inc.翻译成中文是什么 公司 初二英语阅读理解填词One day,a man went to the doctor's office. He told the doctor about his p___. “I like soccer,doctor,”he said.“Please help me. My life has n____ been a good one since I became interested in football and it is gettin the pepper is too hot是什么意思 非洲菜常用的调料有哪些?taff?hot pepper?Never heard of taff.Hot pepper is chili or 辣椒.pepper or black pepper is 胡椒.Other common condiments include onion or 洋葱 and garlic or 大蒜.Another popular one is Maggie,kind of blend of s 是不是什么事都被时间改变一切?拜托了各位 谢谢 有学过化学选修2《化学与技术》的吗? 请对鸡、鲨鱼、蝙蝠、海蜇进行分类不要分成水生、陆生、有羽毛、没羽毛、有脊椎、无脊椎.分成两类!PS:题目是这样的:根据有无_____________动物:______________动物;_______ 选修几学起来相对比较难?也不能说难,就是选修几学起来比较费事儿. 最好写下来拍给我 最好写下来拍给我 帮看看右边这是什么?左边一元是表明大小. 聊胜于无的意思?