
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 06:26:32
没有人懂我 英语怎么翻译 英翻汉:what does everybody do at the same time? 没有人能够理解我,英语该怎样翻译? What does everybody do at the same time?回答是不是要用三单啊三单就是第三人称单数形式,在单词后面加-s、-es 英语翻译你在说什么啊?真的要这样吗?我们不能重新开始吗?外表看起来很开心,但内心却很痛苦 很悲伤~ I just want to play forever and you ⒈ reading the last sunset. she's b----- ill we should send her to hospital 填空 just do it Best It Just Beat 中文翻译是什么? it just easy begin翻译成汉语具体是什么意思? 在中国象棋盘上任意取定的一个位置上放一个棋子“马”.问“马”所跳的步数是奇数还是偶数?按中国象棋的走法,“马”应走“日”字,当棋盘上没有其它棋子时,这只“马”跳了若干下回到 假设下面每个小方格的边长是1CM,请你画一个周长是10cm,长和宽的比是3:2的长方形 一个长方形的周长是20cm,这个长方形悳长减少1cm,宽增加1cm,就可以成为一个正方方形,设长方形悳长为xcm,则可列方程为() 有一张方格纸,每个小正方形的面积都是1cm的平方.在方格中沿方格线画一个长方形,使所画长方行的周长是24cm,长和宽的比是5比1.应该怎么画?我想要图的, 某人用2000元买了一套组合家具,一年后将其中价值四分之三的物体内交给委托商店作价1200元寄售,并按寄售价的1/20付了手续费.其余物品自己留用.后来寄售的这部分商品,按寄售价卖出了3/10,损 The students are making an experiment in the science l_____.(根据首字母提示完成下列句子) Why can't we use the computer in the middle?Because ______in the middle is out of order.A.one B.the ones C.ones D.the oneMy family is going to (travel to Dalian) next month.(括号部分提问)( )is your family going to( )next month?Let's go to Ocean 第一题:I've already been to East Point.(改成否定句)I( )( )been to the East Point.第二题:Dragon Bay is (near King's Village.)(括号部分提问)( )( )Dragon Bay?第三题:The shopping mall is not near the park.(不变 有些英语题不会啊!帮我一下!谢谢!①my mother is doing housework ((at home))?(就括号提问) ( )( )your mother( )housework?②Jim went (to Australia)on vaction.(就括号提问) ( )( )Jim ( 英语翻译设计内容:用Pro/engineer的零件模块建造实体模型;用CAXA电子图版绘制零件的工艺规程表和夹具设计图;用MasterCAM模拟加工和生成数控代码,用CIMCO Edit完成仿真.设计难点:由于零件的 英语翻译upper grasp button gripupper stud griptables visetorque gauge 9-BTG the experiment they had devoted themselves to (be) turned out a failure? 要be 吗? They went to the (c.) last Sunday. at last ,they_______(success) in getting to theop of the building用所 求懂JAVA,会英文的人,我要做一个Extreme Guessing Game,下面是要求的一部分1.You should properly structure your class.This proper structure includes:a.Class variables defined as private.b.Methods to perform certain functionssuch as ge 一个长方形荷塘,长1厘米,宽0.5厘米,规划图的比例尺是1比3000,这个荷塘的实际占地面积是多少?在荷塘的四周建造护栏,护栏长多少米? 帮翻译下下面机械类英语,先谢谢了start key wiper motor head lamp illuminationpoom lamp start stop work lamp illuminationac& heater switchpanel cabin lamp fuel f/pumpac blowe 一块长方形的地,长120米,宽90米,把它画在比例尺是3000分之1的图纸上,长和宽各应画多少厘米 英语翻译on same centerl ine as 1/2"fill plug mill one 1/4"wide slot as described in this detail.using A 1/8"drill centered in slot and .160"deep from crown and at A 6°angle drill to intersect 3/32" dia .fill hole Scientists are spending as much as they can ______(study) the problem.(注:答案里是studying!居然是studying!我横竖想不通.不过我也不认为练习里会出这么简单的题目而且会犯那么傻的错.不知道咋回事呢.有没有c 发音有‘紫’的女英文名并用汉字说出它的读音 求一个和柠紫发音相似的英文名额 想换新笔名 但是柠紫这个名字已经被用了 所以想加个英文这样用 或者 有用到 柠 紫 什么的好听的名字也行