
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:00:42
求三角形纸折蛋糕的超具体做法,图中步骤看不懂啊 嫦娥奔月课文中嫦娥是怎样与逄蒙周旋的 某服装厂有A种布料70m,B种布料52m,现计划用这两种布料生产M、N两种型号的服装共80套,已知做一套M型的服已知做一套M型的服装需A种布料1.1m,B种布料0.4m,可获利润50元,做一套N型的服装需用A种布 想象一下在嫦娥奔月中嫦娥是怎么和逄蒙周旋的 某服装厂现有A种布料70m,B种布料52m,现在计划用这两种布料生产M、N两种款式的时装80套.已知做一套M款式的服装需A种布料0.6m,B种布料0.9m,可获利润45元,做一套N款式的时装需要用A种布料1.1m,B种 嫦娥与逄蒙是怎么周璇的不要对话 八年级数学: 某服装厂现有A种布料70m,B种布料52m,现计划用这两种布料生产M、N两种型号的时装80套,已知做一套M型号的时装需要A种布料0.6m,B种布料0.9m,做一套N型号的时装需要A种布料1.1m,B种布 嫦娥是怎么与逄蒙周璇的 某服装厂现有A种布料70m,B种布料52m,现计划用这两种布料生产M、N两种型号的时装80套,已知已知做一套M型号的时装需要A种布料0.6m,B种布料0.9m,;做一套N型号的时装需要A种布料1.1m,B种布料0.4m, 吉丽服装厂现有A种布料70m,B种布料52m,计划用这两种不聊生产甲,乙两种型号的时装共80套.已知做一套甲型号的时装用A种布料0.6m,B种布料0.9m,可获得利润45元;做一套乙型号的时装需要A种布料1. 英语作文:我的母亲;我的父亲;我的假期.要七年级级别的. 嫦娥是怎么与逄蒙周旋的要详细一点的 逄蒙和嫦娥周旋的为什么他们周旋的情景字数不可以多一点 嫦娥与逄蒙周旋要多一点的哦! 嫦娥怎样与逄蒙周旋 作一篇英语阅读题哈!Alice always wanted to be a singer.Music was the most important thing in her life.To tell you the truth,she took lessons for years,practiced every day,but in spite of all this,her voice didn't improve.Honestly,it didn't ge IBT 阅读习题 He refused to develop projection technology,reasoning that if he made and sold projectors,then exhibitors would purchase only one machine-a projector-from him instead of several.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essenti 一篇英语阅读^₩^帮一下忙呗 英语阅读对一下哈,谢谢An English traveler found himself in Norway with only enough money to buy the ticket for his journey back home. As he knew that it would take him only two days to get to England, he decided that he could easily spend th 托福阅读每日如何练习 帮我哈,英语阅读I tried to run,but I couldn't.The monster seemed to be growing by the minute!And then,the most ___1__ thing was about to happen… I screamed and sat upright in bed.I'd just had the scariest nightmare ___2___!Still gasping (喘 我喜欢的一部电视剧作文400字以上.要突出喜欢的理由和明白的道理 作文:《我喜欢的一部电视剧》600字必须在8月13日这天回答才有效. 英语阅读一篇, 作一篇英语阅读Last weekend,my kids along whit a few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me wash my car.My 10-year old daughter came up with the idea of washing other people's cars as well.It was pretty hot outside.She further 电视,让我欢喜让我忧 作文400字 小红和妈妈今年的年龄之和是38岁,4年后妈妈的年龄比小红大28岁,今年小红和妈妈各多少岁? 学做一道菜作文必须300字(急) 100分悬赏:描写小乌龟的作文,300字的!描写小乌龟的作文,300字的!(注:写得好再加你100分!不用一定300字的,长一点,动作、外貌生动、细致的! 速度要一篇学做家常菜的作文 300字左右 请问我们日常用的钮扣 是塑料的那种,是什么塑料做的?有什么特点吗? 树脂纽扣和塑料纽扣肉眼怎么区分