
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:55:11
求一个关于博弈论的问题牛肉干市场上有两个厂商,各自都可以选择市场的高端(高质量),还是低端(低质量).相应的利润由如下得益矩阵给出: 厂商1低质量 高质量厂 give us a hard time的中文意思 i give you a hard time 有没有什么夏季的凉菜推荐?简单易学的,最好是新一点的,拌黄瓜西红柿人人都会就不要讲了. 给右面这幅漫画拟一个标题,并写出其寓意画上有一头发光的牛,下面有四个人张着嘴,表情是笑着的. consent 和agree 的区别? 中国银行黄金有产品这么做,手续费高吗The bank of China,gold products do have,poundage high agree to sth和agree in sth有什么区别?我还是问问老师吧这种问题以后不在网上问了 《天净沙·秋》前后两组景物呈现出不同的特点,他们分别是? 恻天净沙.秋的前后两组景物呈现出不同的特点,它们分别什么? 改正my friends always plays basket ball on sundays.把原因打出来 三英战吕布指那三英 How often do you trace like this? He enjoys himself.的同义句不要写太深奥 I ought first to have asked your consent.是虚拟语气吗?为什么? He enjoys himself in zhe zoo.的同义句quiet He enjoys himself evey day的同义句 He enjoys himself today Tom sits next to me 以上都改成同义句 He enjoys himself.(对himself提问)怎么写 英语翻译中文:你们可以在三四点钟之间去看她.Podeis verle a ella entre las tres y las cuatro我的翻译:Podeis ir a verla entre las tres y los cuarto请问下我的翻译有问题吗?特别是标准答案给的是verle,可是我 谁能提供一段莎士比亚的经典独白的英文原文(就是在To be or not to be那个)《哈姆雷特》里的 焕然一新 守株待兔 卧薪尝胆 胸有成竹 的感情色彩是否相同 “恍然一新、守株待兔、卧薪尝胆、胸有成竹”这一组词感情色彩相同吗? Can you c---- the work by yourself.填什么? YOUSELF与YOURSELF的区别?搞不清这两个的区别,到底说哪一个呢?没想到这么大伙热情,一直不清楚,这下清楚了,我查了字典,没有查到youself啊,可我经常看到有人写这2个词。我想给你们每个 到底是youself还是yourselfDid you make the kite by________?A.youself B.yourself When god forgotten some opportunities for us,destined to let us on another road doing my part did you finish the work by yourself 改为同义句 My uncle's house is some ______ from the road,about 10minutes' walk A.length B.height C.distanceMy uncle's house is some ______ from the road,about 10minutes' walkA.length B.height C.distance D.time请问为什么? It looks like snow,______?(填附加疑问句) One day when I_____ the post office,I_____my uncle A pass say Bwas passing saw Cpassed was seeingD am passing ,am passing 为什么 It looks ugly,light?请把这句话改成带有附加疑问句的句子