
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 05:15:21
英语作文:任何人都会犯错要求:回想一下你曾今犯过的那些错误?结果都是怎样的?有没有让你觉得可笑的错误呢?关键词:make mistake可以把这个翻译,也可以自己写!不过要翻译!任何人都会犯 英语翻译我这样翻译I advise them not to be afraid to make mistakes and (not to )give up their dreams.并列句相同不分是不是可以省略?但是如果去掉后面的not to 会不会产生歧义?书上是I advise them not be afraid t 英语题(找出错误)请用( )标出错的单词,再在[ ]写出正确单词1、My friend and l often go swim in the swimming pool on sunday.[ ]2、Kitty love dancing very much.She dance well [ ]3、Amy often walks to home with her classmat 英语题 找出错误并写出正确的please are friendly to wild animals这句话哪错了 找出错误的三个单词,White family are at home.Ann likes eat then very much.Ann is dangceing Tom is watching TV. 英语的暑假作业帮下忙. 谁叫我做暑假作业英语的. 求大学英语presentation用的ppt和讲稿~大一新生神马都不会.我想做一个“一生要去的7个地方”的主题问题ppt水平不够,口语也不好~所以跪求各位大神了~PS,有别的好主题也可以发我邮箱:xyq051662@ 求一个大学英语课 presentation.话题不限 需要ppt和讲稿~ 铁路旁一条平行的小路上,有一行人与一骑车人同时向南行进,行人速度为每小时3.6千米,骑车人速度为每小时10.8千米.这时有一列火车从他们背后开过来,火车通过行人用2.2秒,通过骑车人用26秒. .When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what _ .翻译解答..When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what _ . A.have marked B. have been marked C.had marked D.had been marked选择正确选项./ 翻译:I paid my special attention to…… man的反义词 mom的反义词 she的反义词 your的反义词 分别是什么? i was chose to carry out the experiment,是被动语态吗, 濒临灭绝的动物保护怎样保护?列举 Please remember ------(bring) my book to school tomorrow.(填入词的正确形式) Please remember to say goodpye to Mr.Smith when you ___ tomorrow.A.leaveB.will leave 为什么不选B呢,不是有TOMORROW吗? be conducted with Mary is very young ,but she knows a lot____Mary is very young,she knows a lot2.Why don't we go hiking this weekend?__ ___go hiking this weekend?3.Li Ming watches TV once or twice a week.对once or twice 提问____ ____ ____ ____ Li Ming watch TV a we be prepared with英文翻译过来时啥意思? be happy with 帮我翻译一下 “今年很畅销的恐怖小说”用英文怎么说还有英文的 “作者”“出版日期”我设计一个书籍的封皮用,有用的相关词汇请告诉我一些,书名是 死亡,最后一个问题啊··“胆小勿入”英文怎 恐怖小说用英语怎么说急需,谢谢 翻译成英语“恐怖小说” 英语翻译This complex subject is handled with a simple,pared-back visual style akin to a journal sketch or diagram -- with the Jews depicted as mice and the Nazis as cats.,这句话怎么翻译,pared-back visual style akin to a journal sketch or d 英语翻译Among those changing travel plans have been U.S.President Barack Obama,who flew into London a day ahead of schedule,and Barcelona's soccer team,which is traveling to the UK capital early ahead of Saturday's Champion's League final clash a 英语翻译Icelandic airspace was closed over the weekend.By early Tuesday,several hundreds flights from England,Scotland and Northern Ireland had been canceled with British Airways,easyJet,Ryanair,Aer Lingus,Loganair,Flybe and KLM among operators g 英语翻译Haji Usama,as he is known to the rebels,was once a top commander in Gadhafi's forces.He spent decades in the Libyan army including a tour of duty in neighboring Chad,and now commands in Zintan,population 40,000.这是今天的CNN新闻片 英语翻译"I think also of my colleagues at the Fund; together we have accomplished such great things over the last three years and more.这里 such great things over the last three years and more.MOre是翻译为三年多还是翻译指的是great Please ( )( )( )my math book to school tomorrow.意思:请记得明天把我的数学书带到学校来。 英语翻译Have you looked at the examples that ship with LabVIEW? with英文翻译