
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 17:05:54
听闻你小时候特别喜欢读书,翻译成古文 关于德语名字Rita怎么读R是读作小舌音还是英语读法呢? Notbad rita,youhavejustcomebackfromyouhometownhowwasyourtrip的英语是什么 (初中新版)文言文 闵子骞挽留后母:闵子骞挽留后母的原因是什么? 求古文《闵子骞》注释. 闵子骞挽留后母 文言文读本闵子骞为后母嫉,所生亲子,衣加棉絮,子骞与芦花絮衣。父密察之,知骞有寒色,父以手抚之,见衣甚薄,毁而观之,始知非絮。父遂遣其妻。子骞雨泪,前白 比较下下面2个同一意思不同表达方式的英语句子哪个好第一个是We cannot neglect the impendent fact which may lead to serious result while the economy is developing rapidly、第二个是In today's rapid social and economic deve 这句英文该用哪一个表达方式呢,为什么the campus is much better than I had expectedthe campus is much better than my expect 尽管+句子用英语有哪些好的表达方式用在写作中总是 even though ,though,although,太 单一了感觉 rita应该怎么念呀?是瑞塔的音吗?帮我注个音吧.晕了,我就是不知道到底是tuita还是rui(一声)ter(轻声) 一道初中英语填空题:The road is too narrow.We should( )it(给词wide) rita是谁 what should we do before we c_____ the road. We should think of ___(safe)when we cross the road; 雪的形成条件 风.云.雨.雪是怎么形成的?长一点 where are my clothes?l have to put on my school clothes翻译成汉语. 初中数学笔记如果用本子记的话,是要一页写一节课的内容呢?还是挤在一块写?或者别的? 英语句子中倍数的表达方法 英语翻译不止是有时 在我心里你永远最美.想把你紧紧抱着 可知你是我生命中的最舍不得 听说爱情回来过,原唱.请问这首歌的原唱是谁? where is my penclis 改错 My clothes is green改错 Where is my coat?-Oh,here is it.(改错) the river is more thana.twenty meter wide b.twenty metres wide c.twenty metre of wide d.wide of twenty metre 选择:The great wall is more than 6000li in ( A.longer B.length C,long D,longing 为什么? 云是怎样形成的?谁能告诉我哦 云是怎么形成的? 高原的形容词 ()的高原?()的惊叹()的黄土坡 最长寿的动物 where is ( ) football? where is my football?怎么回答