
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:28:31
My plan for summer holidays作文,5~6句话 小明在“探究电路的电压规律”的实验中,将两盏标有“1.5V 0.2A”的小灯泡按图上的连接起来,用电压恒定供电.闭合开关S后,发现L1、L2均不亮.如下图①.对此故障,他有下列几种猜想:A:一盏灯 英语翻译Just as those genes most conductive to their own replication are the ones that prevail,those memes best at getting themselves transmitted from human are the ones that come to from the human environment. lucy's holiday plan 50字就可以了,可以跟据这个写:you want to write a letter to Kitty about your holiday plan for the spring festivalWho is going to travel to garden city with you?When are you going to visit?How long are you going to stay 老师生病 祝福语班主任生病住院了…他教我们物理,这星期天我们去医院看他,全班都要写祝福语,该怎么写呢?以前都没写过…帮帮忙…谢了! 我的老师生病了她叫黄小来,我想在祝福语中用上她的名字. Just _____you are older than me does not mean you can tell me what to do.空格中为什么能填because而不能填that would you mind teaching me? -Would you mind telling me where he lives recently?-_____________.A Of courseB Never mindC Not at allD That's all right想问下为什么不选BB和C的意思有什么区别呀 暑假了想提高口语,大家怎么找的英语口语班 平常要上班的人可以参加的暑假英语口语班?. 想报英语口语班,哪个好? 报英语口语班那种模式好?准备报个英语口语班,出去问了问发现有2种模式,1,是一对一或者一对二的跟中教外教VIP.2,是大班上课,十人左右的规模,中教.感觉前者上课有更多表达机会,有针对性, Can you tell me what do 'CAN" and 'CDN' mean?是一种货币单位 During the summer vocation we went back to the school ___to pay a visit to our teacherthough it was ____ hot.A.especially,in particular B.specially,especially C.special ,especial D.particularly ,specially请问该选哪一个,为什么? When you clich ok button it begins to read all EEPROM data and the data is backup.出现在打印机上,应该如何解决这个问题? 我想在江苏溧阳报一个练习英语口语的班,什么好啊?推荐一下啊 请分析语法“Would you mind telling me what your names are?”我在思考为什么不能用what are your names= =.请童鞋们帮忙分析下语法0 0.. 在班上,作文和写字算是我的 “强项” 了 “强项” 为什么加引号? “北国雄狮”赵尚志东北的父老乡亲称赵尚志为"北国雄狮"的原因是什么?日军慨叹:“小小的满洲国,大大的赵尚志!”这反映了什么?赵尚志遇难的主要原因是什么?请用一组四字词语对赵尚志 参观赵尚志纪念馆有感650字 关于名人的作文素材 关于名人人生允许出错(作文素材) 我想请教一下四级听力,还有你的材料可以发一份给我吗? 求助2003年1月四级听力详解求2003年1月四级听力详解W:John,what are you doing on your computer?Don’t you remember your promise?M:This is not a game.It’s only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.Q:What is the probab 观赵尚志纪念馆有感600字 Which is the most important r_____ for a volunteer? 喷香水 英文怎么说 It is said they he has invented a new machine. He ____ _____ _____ _____invented a new machine. He ( )(成功)desiging a new machine last year He ( )(成功)desiging a new machine last year( ) 内填写 success 的 正确形式 求一篇以observation open my eyes为题的英文作文,要三百字以上.实在是懒得写了..大概四级水准就好..复制粘贴凑足也行,但必须是observation open my eyes为主题的英文作文