
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 20:14:10
Since chose to leave,but my heart very uncomfortable,some things never --May I stop here?--No,you_____. listening stop hereCLASS IS OVERlistening is over How about ____(stop) here? I'll be the last one who standing.这句话是否有语法错误如题,谢谢.有的话应该怎么改? 怎么记单词 介绍一下种间互助和种内互助 纠结的几何题,没思路!三角形ABC中,D是BC中点,连接AD,且BC=2AC,角ACB=2角B求证三角形ADC为等边三角形 种间互助与共生的区别? 种内互助种内斗争对本物种的生存( ).A、都是有利的 B、都是有害的 C、前者有利,后者有害D、前者有害,后者有利. 长方形ABCD中,AD=3,AB=4,P为AB上一个动点,过P做PE垂直于AC,PF垂直于BD,求PE+PF 种内互助和种内斗争对于物种生存( )A、都有利 B、都有害 C、前者有利的,后者有害 D、前者有害,后者有 几棵白杨树耸立在马路两旁.改病句. I thought ________ there was a good idea,填she teaching 还是her teaching? 什么叫种内斗争? 什么叫种间斗争? 生物物种间斗争最激烈的一组是1老虎和狮子2.草鱼和鲤鱼3.野猪和山羊 竞争和斗争哪个是种内哪个是种外 Boxes stop here!我们英语老师说是麻烦在这里停止的意思是吗 I love stop 知道的告诉下..就要这句的意思.I love stop here trains stop here代表什么单词 This question is very difficult.l can not answerit ,合并成一句This question is ______difficult______me_____answer ——that I couldn’t be absorbed in the work.A.It was so noisy outside.B.Such a loud noise did they make.选哪个?原因? It was too noisy outside.Not until____at the top of my voice____his head. 请问 下面几个单词怎么记?contribute apart from firework chart creative positive帮忙分析下单词特点 老师叫人研究出便于记忆的记忆钩最好是给个联想记忆 宋庆龄 父亲叫什么名字? It was noisy outside用as改 单词如何记 宋庆龄对小学教育的贡献 ( )thousands of people outside ,it was too noisy.( )thousands of people outside ,it was too noisy.A:It seemed to be B:There seemed to have C:There seemed to beD:It seemed to have不过为什么不可以选A呢? 单词怎么记啊! how did you know judy was disappointed at the news?是什么意思? She left quiet ___ (surprise) at the news.怎么填?用的是什么语法?