
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:59:26
you are the best that I ever had这句话有没有语法错误?如何翻译? 翻译 what is the time that suits you best don not worry,u always the best that i can imagine~帮我翻译一下 no question that it is the fact 还是 no question that is that facti appreciate what you commant 还是 i appreciate that what you commantnice to hear you saying the truth 还是nice to hear you say the truthsorry for the ... 与 sorry about the,` 走出飞机场的英语怎么说airport就知道了...我说- -`有的用from.有的用of,.到底哪个. We are looking forward to the day that he will be back改错题,请问哪里有问题 是什么早就了孙中山和康有为的不同? 康有为和孙中山的性格 孙中山与康有为的不同 中国的原始社会部落最初产生在黄河流域和长江流域,算不算两河流域? 中国原始社会:原始社会和奴隶社会瓦解有什么共同的原因 :为什么战国时期回出现"百家争鸣"的局面?:东周时期的特征是什么?需要简单地回答...不要太长! 皮球长时间搁置,里面的气就跑走了,有什么好法子才能让球不漏气吗 求补皮球的方法. no matter how far it is,we are friend. 英语翻译 翻译 the important thing is not how friends we have ,but how strong our friendship is how do you feel?和what's the matter?在使用时有何区别? 评价孙中山宋教仁的文言句子有哪些 have a free time有没有a同题 I have many hobbies because I have a lot of free time .I'm i__ in many things.I like playing football,fishing and h__ in the mountains,and I like putting different elements t__ to make robots,I also like learning very much.But I'm particularly intere i have _(little)free time than he. 关于近代人物的一些历史题(宋教仁,1.关于以宋教仁为代表的知识分子说法不正确的是:A正从边缘走向社会中心 B资产阶级 C反帝 D革命者 2.哪个地方学者称孙中山为孙逸仙?3.君主制结束后, one of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us te 想要一个女英文名 最好L开头ra结尾的最好是有寓意或直译得出中文的~或者有SH开头的也行 how do you feel ..和 what do you feel ...一样吗 求:ra结尾的女英文名如题~~~ 越多越好! 满意我会加分的! ra结尾的女生英文名 That is a book of the same nature是什么意思 I am sorry to tell you that I have_______(little)free time this year I am sorry.I have no time to go to the party.A.won't IB.am IC.do I D.shall I我可以告诉你答案是D,但我不知道原因诶 想要一个J开头好发音特别的英文名.女性的.要是合成的最好了!...想要一个J开头好发音特别的英文名.女性的.要是合成的最好了!要是能类似 景 的发音更好. All my life I have tried to be an honest man 的语法分析