
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:55:37
用英语介绍足球运动员李玮峰要正面的表示出欣赏的如果有讨厌他的认请回避一下 关于我国的外交政策的.第二十九届奥运会开幕式的文艺表演中,在清雅、悠扬的古琴声中,手持竹简的士子们,齐声朗诵“四海之内,皆兄弟也”、“己所不欲、勿施于人”、“德不孤,必有邻” at 介词短语关于at的介词短语 山( )水( ) 括号内填反义词要求是成语. 英语翻译听清我的问题:我是说外国人的名字按照音译后,可以有不同的汉字与之相符,比如Smith我们通常翻译成史密斯,但也可以使史米石.然而外国明星的中文名字肯定不能随意改成别的汉字, 中国作为发展中的大国,在世界舞台上扮演着什么样的角色?哪些方面可以体现?(至少五点)(政治问题) 20世纪70年代以来,中国在国际舞台上逐步展现出一个负责任的大国形象,这主要基于 Go to bed to save my life,please.翻译为中文 谁能给我推荐一下Jennifer Lopez的歌?哪几首好听啊? 英语翻译正在写篇小说,男主角是一只吸血鬼,在贵族中是公爵的身份,对起国外那种长长的名字非常头疼,谁能给点意见,要用中文来表达的.关于吸血鬼的历史就不用说明了,主要是名字,查了很 谁知道JENNIFER和CASSIE怎么读,请用中文写下来.谢谢了!很急! 我想知道英文 Jennifer 自己只是实在是太浅了 哈啊哈jennifer显得更加那ug法国犯规湖人固话用户飞过海 老鼠开会扩写 选择because,because of ,so 填2个空格!急____ the superstars ,many young people came to the concert.He was too excited to fall asleep ____ the letter his father wrote to him.选择 because ,because of 或者 so 填上去...最好说一下理由. who do you live with? who do you live with还是whom? who did you live with then?翻译 谁知道这个字“麾”怎么读啊? 从阿长到长妈妈的称呼变化中,表现了作者怎样的思想感情是鲁迅的 阿长与山海经 What about___football after school?A.play B.playing C.to play Mike goes to bed at 21:00 on weekdays.对21:00提问,该怎样写啊?____Mike__bed on weekdays? when they see you!Give me a call some time!翻译成中文是什么意思 Mike goesto bed late at night.(改为一般疑问句) 快 改正下列英文句子1.What kind of colour would you want?2.What’s size do you want?3.That is a good shopping store.4.What can't I do for you?5.Does it fits you?6.How many candle should I put on the cake?7.Usually my mouth bake me the birthday c 改正以下英语句子.1.I was scary when I saw a snake in my house2.Where you stay at home yesterday afternoon?No.I went to the zoo3.Who milked a cow ten minutes ago?My brother does 希望之星英语风采大赛初中组地区性比赛中评委一般会提什么问题?复赛。 Go s________ down this street .You will find that restaurant.. Go down this street,you will see,everything is bright 有谁知道意思吗? os.sometimes its kinda hard.to let everybody notice u and be urself at the same time i know.but uchores:they cant stop methey cant hold methey cant scare mecause they dont know metry to overcome metry to cover me upthey dont get why i keep on goingca u know sometimes its been a long time to get used to it 看书用什么灯泡好,白炽灯还是led灯