
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 14:08:33
埃及卡尔奈克神庙,有最详细的介绍吗.典故? 《江南逢李龟年>在表现手法上有何特点? 英语翻译Hello Dear,This is the reason i quit my job,my father was a marine engineer and he once worked in the sea just like me but he died on the course of his work in indian ocean when he went there to repair one of the companies ship,after she 房屋的分摊面积如何计算 英语翻译I look upon this fortunate opportunity as a divine intervention from Almighty to lift me up and change my life condition after so many years of long sufferings with my family as the corrupt government fails to take care of her responsibil 列式解方程1、12x+8x-200=1200 6、2(3x-4)+(4-x)=4x)2、7.6x+3.4x-x-5=27 7、15(x-0.4)=12(x+0.5)3、7x+44=7.4除以0.1=4x 8\(3x+5)除以2=(5x-9)除以3 4、x-15乘3=245-x-10乘35、7(4-x)=9(x-4) 解方程.列式(1)1/4x-1/12x=1/3 (2)x+1/2-x-1/3=1 (3)2x+1/3-(x-5)=3/2(4)x+4/5-x+2/10=x-2/2 (5)2.4-x-4/2.5=3/5x (6) x-2/3-x-1/2=x+1 怎样列解方程 举例分析读《朝花夕拾》读懂了少年鲁迅的什么?简要说明即可 静以修身的下一句 简便概括 朝花夕拾 中 少年鲁迅 的形象不要长篇大论填空从【 (事例)】中看出他【 (怎样)】至少五条 make history …… Make poverty history是什么意思?还有From now on,change myself! 德国盲人天后琼娜与拉丁元老大卫共创神作Let’s Make History.谁可以告诉我这首歌的歌词... All The Same – Does It Offend You,Yeah? Does it offend you,yeah?的乐队名有什么意义? 新东方•四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(便携版)和新东方•四级词汇词根+联想记忆法 有什么不一样? 这句 it is cleaner than was 100 years It is anyhow cleaner than it was 100 years ago 《琵琶行》怎么背? ﹌Just Rememb | ﹌Just so so 谁知道 life is just so amusing什么意思 是丰富多彩 还是贬义词的讽刺意味 英语翻译garlic gum在美国口语里面是什么意思啊?看到句“Garlic gum is not funny.”tips:我知道garlic是大蒜,gum是口香糖,别仅仅告诉我字面意思~这个我知道~ "光盘"翻译成英语是什么? 求翻译 Tess:'A clove of garlic a day ,keep the fleas away'. 我爸爸从那家商店买一些光盘用英语怎么译 Your room is _______ than ours.A.much clean.B.more clean.C.more cleaner.D.much cleaner specification与dimention有什么区别在做产品规格讲的时候,是不是可以混用?SORRY,是dimension。 explain和clarify的区别? they are much cheaper with other suppliers.这句话翻译怎么更准确 定语从句,没有 what 当引导词的吗? WHAT作定语从句中的关系词?WHAT可以做关系词么