
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 16:47:43
A dove got a leaf and let it fall into the river close to the ant ,请填空并翻译 英语翻译However,if Industria specializes in producing electronic goods,and Agricultraria specializes in producing food,each country's output will be greater than it would otherwise have been(句末it would otherwise haven been otherwise 怎么翻 英语翻译 孙中山与袁世凯丙子冬偶思中华混沌险危亡,魑魅魍魉肆獗狂.欧日眈眈蚕欲食,神州噩噩酲醪香.先生奋起擎天柱,同志笃行救国纲*.一举铲除帝专制*,儿孙世代铭心房!注:*先生精心著述并欲付 求otherwise的翻译The boy donated the money in his pocket that would otherwise have been spent in buying toys.如何翻译此处的otherwise更好呢? 孙中山为什么让位于袁世凯?急需,拜托! 英语翻译I sent out a text saying "Smile!You're beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." to most of my contacts. 孙中山,袁世凯急求一篇1200字论文.有关孙中山(或袁世凯)个人的介绍,经历,评论等..要求具体的一篇论文,1200字. Dictionary of Contemporary English是什么意思 世博会的起源 longman dictionary of contemporary english怎么是全英的啊?这种全英的字典好吗?我以为是查单词用的 otherwise的词性 三种? 英语翻译North Africa has beenthe sole bright spot for our armed forces in an otherwise bleak landscape The player ___(call) Liu Xiang is my favourite sports star. hardly是hard的副词形式吗? 关于初二英语作文 how often do you exercise how often do you exercise等于什么? How often do you exercise?是什么时态?我明天要用啊! How often do you exercise 句子里的中的exercise是动词吗?那么exercises呢?如果它是动词,但是句子里的do也是动词啊!一个句子不可能有两个动词不是吗?希望能有个很好的答案? 求“小额贷款有限责任公司 ”英文翻译 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Liu Xiang is a ------[run]star.2.We can play soccer ------[good]3.There are ------[lot]of vegetables.4.Let's ------[eat] bread for lunch.5.Some------[vegetable] are there. Now the students each_____an English-Chiese dictionary.A.has B.have C.is having D.spent以及怎么判断each是the students的同位语?我感觉each很像后面的主语,不过这样前面又少了谓语. 选择:Now the students each____an English-Chinese dictionary.A.hasB.haveC.is havingD.are having答案上选的是B,可我怎么也想不通 how often do you have your school sports meeting求回答 The students each______an English dictionaryA.has B.will have c have had D have 1.how often do you do sports?(1)every day(2)not so often(3)never 2.max是一个健康开朗的男孩.他认真填写了这份刊登在校刊上的生活方式调查表.现在请你猜猜的选择,然后帮他有英语把自己保持健康的方法写 请问each of the students _______ a dictionary now.填has还是have 还是都行,请具体说明, How often do you do sports in your free time 谁读过《两个美国孩子的科学研究》?求内容概括 找名人名言30句(越多越好)要归纳一下这些话是写什么的? 读了《两个美国孩子的科学研究》给文章续写一段话 两个美国孩子的科学研究 他们挑战的是什么常识