
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:41:47
Armed with a torch,the vicar went up into the clock tower,这句话如果我想改异种说法我想改为用伴随状语的说法是不是应该这样说Taking a torch,the vicar went up into the clock tower,请从语法角度分析下 li peng usually --------- (watch ) tv after supper 美食总动员(料理鼠王)中的经典语句比如评论家的话、鼠爸爸对小鼠的称赞等最好有中英文版越多越好希望有更多的(除了食评家的话) my family’sDay 英语作文就是写一家一天中会干什么事情、人物:我,妈妈,爸爸, Children'sDay的意思 where is a tape player还是where is the tape player? women'sday.的中文是什么. "Dragon Boat 'Day"是什么节日,在几月几号?“Apil Fool'sDay"什么节日,在几月几号? where's the tape?is( )on the desk?a.it b.that c.this d.they Women'sDay NationalDay的翻译 英语练习册字母组词:Where is the (nsatito)饿,还有1个,We want to buy some new (rfuunreit) for our new house. Medium of Instruction 翻译为中文在申请读研时看到的 I wonder if your wife will go to the ball.If your wife (),so()mineA.does,will B.will,does C.will,would D.does,do 收传真时对方让给他个信号是什么意思啊? 英语翻译这个翻译看来好像有双重的含义哦,日在校园,还有一部叫Summer Days的被翻译成了“日在夏日”,这个“日”翻译的太精辟了吧. "穿越悲伤"四字英文翻译.另求日在校园school days插曲"悲しみの向こうへ"中文歌词翻译. 求日在校园 school days攻略 School Days 日在校园这动漫有几部啊?那个6集版有没有谁有无删减版啊? 介词短语做地点状语是不是一般都是修饰动词吖 可以修饰整个句子吗 He lives in London 是什么结构,主谓么,in London是地点状语,还是是 in London 介词短语做宾语in London是地点状语,还是是 in London 介词短语做宾语 还是2个都对in london 是状语 但它也是介词短语 做动词 l which is the best 应该专心学好英语还是学多一门外语呢?// 水果湖,武钢三中,which is the best?教学质量,影响力,升学率,校园环境. It's vital that enough money ___collected to get the project strted. which is the best?的意思? The most important is that we can get enough ____A asleepB sleepingC sleepD sleeps It is vital that______(募集到足够的钱)to fund the project我不知道后面该跟什么了 英语翻译1、翻译(汉译英)企业财务活动是以现金收支为主的企业资金收支活动的总称.包括以下内容:(一)企业筹资引起的财务活动 在商品经济条件下,企业要想从事经营,首先必须筹集一定 Good to the last dorp.这句话代表什么的品牌? 能不能给我几道典型的关于talk tell speak say得.watch see look得单...能不能给我几道典型的关于talk tell speak say得.watch see look得单选什么的.着一块掌握得不好.答案也给出来 which is the best1.New machinery __________ arriving tomorrow.[ ]a.will beb.isc.ared.shall be 为什么? 关于establish business relations的英语对话,2分钟左右 why is it important to align projects with business strategy?谁能帮我回答这道问题呀,急用,谢谢啦