
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:10:23
If you love me,please marry me! If you love me please foiiow me shall we have a picnic?Yes.( )not?括号里写什么 Shall we have a picnic?Shall we have some bread?Let's buy some jam To spread on the bread.写3段,题目是clean our classroom说到做到 <紫藤萝瀑布>中”我抚摸了一下那小小的紫色的花舱,那里装满生命的酒酿”句中”生命的酒酿”指代的内容 一篇60词左右的关于遵守学校纪律的英语短文拜托各位大神提示:不许迟到;课上认真听老师讲课,及时交左右;保持教室清洁;对老师有礼貌;和同学友好相处. 如果a+b+|√(c-1)-1|=4√(a-2)+2√(b+1)-4,那么能求出a、b、c的值吗?若能求出,请计算a+2b-3c的值;若不能求出,请说明理由 已知x=1÷(2√a)+√a÷2 (a>1),求证:2√(x²-1)÷[x-√(x²-1)]=a-1 给我一些最新上海初二的数学比较难的题目, 第一题:已知实数x,y满足:x+y=6,xy=4,且x>y,求代数式(√x-√y)÷(√x+√y)的值.第二题:已知x=1÷(2√a)+√a÷2 (a>1),求证:2√(x²-1)÷[x-√(x²-1)]=a-1.不然我会看不懂的,每个步骤希望写清楚点! 如果√(a-1)+(ab-2)²=0,那么1÷ab + 1÷[(a+1)(b+1)] + 1÷[(a+2)(b+2)]+...+ 1÷[(a+2007)(b+2007)] 描写四季的诗句,各一句 描写四季的诗句 一句 描写四季的诗或词各一句多了更好写出是谁的什么诗 描写四季的诗句(各2句) 刘洋是中国女性中天空飞行的第一人.Liu Yang is ___ ____ __ in China __ ___ ___ in space. Wang Yaping will become China’s ______ woman astronaut into space after LiuA second B the second What do you mean by doing that?同义句 以渴望为话题的作文素材我要素材不要作文!素材就OK了 what do you mean by saying that yesterday 这样可以吗?因为虽然我想问的昨天你说的话,但我是现在想知道话的意思 到底用过去时还是现在时呢?很纠结另祝您健康 快乐每一天!在新概念英语第二册60课 作文 以为材料以为材料,写一篇关于"追求"的600字作文 What do you mean like that a by talking b to talk c for coming D of talking You promised me that I will remember,But you have forgotten your promise. what do you mean by that中的by是什么词性,什么意思? What do you mean by saying that中为什么要用by来做介词如题还有 say为什么要用ing形式? Darling,Do you still remember?You promised me that no matter what happened we will not separate.谁能帮我翻译下,急啊! i just worry that if you forget me who will remember me Many foreign _______(travel) travel to China every year. I went to the china Travel Agency to took a package Where to travel on holiday in China? his name is yang lee.his first name is--?what is his first name?what is his famil name? He is the first boy in this school ( ) the first prize.A.win B.to win C.winning D.won选哪个,说明理由