
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:19:47
From the poster,we know that Mcdull is The book ____ from the library must be kept well.The book ____(borrow) from the library must be kept well. sons and lovers还有david copperfield的两篇summary英语 150到200字 from this passage we know goias state is in Which kind of fruit does the monkey like to eat we can know from this passage?中文是什么? 1、you can ___ this book for two days.A、borrow B、lend C、keep D、buy2、 last sunday,we had fun ___ football in the open air.A、play C、played B、to play D、playing 3、Don't forget _____ my parents when you are in Beijing.OK!I won'tA、to You can borrow this magazine from the library for a few weeks.找一处错误.我看了好几遍都没看出来……万恶的英语暑假作业.. May l borrow this book?Sure.You can ____ ____ for two weeks. 英译汉:他自学英语  这是个什么字,提手旁过来个“为”字. I don't want to use your true heart in exchange for treason是什么意思? 提手旁过来寽是什么字 Each believe in exchange for only 问个字,提手旁过来个郑是什么字 仓鼠纪昀仓鼠纪昀姚安公监督南新仓时,一廒后壁无故圮.掘之,得死鼠近一石,其巨者形如几猫.盖鼠穴壁下,滋生日众,其穴亦日廓;廓至壁下全空,力不任而覆压也.公同事福公海曰:“方其坏人 仓鼠 纪昀 仓鼠纪昀姚安公监督南新仓时,一廒后壁无故圮.掘之,得死鼠近一石,其巨者形如几猫.盖鼠穴壁下,滋生日众,其穴亦日廓;廓至壁下全空,力不任而覆压也.公同事福公海曰:“方其坏 仓鼠纪昀的一个问题1.文中说“一廒后壁无故圮”,读完全文不难知道“后壁”之圮是有原因的.请从文章叙事顺序的角度,说说“无故”用得四否妥当. According to the passage, how do you know that you are growing up?翻译成中文是… According to the survey we can know that 求英语达人,祝MY(人名缩写)生日快乐写成Happy birthday to My.不对的话该怎么写 that's what we looked like 是什么从句 货币杠杆有什么作用? 在杠杆上起到支撑作用的那一点叫做 杠杆的动力作用线和阻力作用线是垂直于杠杆的吗详细 在百家姓中“哈”怎么读? The lawyer is very famous,( )he always has a lotThe lawyer is very famous,( )he always has a lot of cases to deal with.A.because B.so C.though D.if out last night的意思 she never breaks her promise(句意不变)she always ___ ___ ___ 英语doing morning exercises____ good for youDoing morning exercises____ good for you.A.is B.are C.be 改句子she never talks to me保持原句意思 she_______talk tme at ________. That's exactly what I'm talking about 是什么从句 Let's thank our parents for ___(take)care of us every day.