
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:07:10
He goes to the park every Sunday. 用my brother and I 改写 I ride a bike at four o'clock.用now改写 一个大大的V字母在上面,下面是V.O.D的标志的衣服是什么品牌 he goes to the park on sunday 提问 on sunday I go to the park on every Sunday拜托了各位 改错题 the park opens for free o__ (免费)on the last sunday every month I'll tell you something____ you want to know. 是that还是what还是不填啊? 英语短文改错 dear li hua ,i'm glad to know that you have accustomed to the life in germany.i alsohave something interesting to tell you .singapore is recognized as one of a best tourism cities .last week i went there with my families .after our 幸福校园的童谣 急求对美好生活的热爱的童谣、儿歌要求接单精炼,朗朗上口,合辙押韵,字数不限.好的,可以采取加分(在答案后面写上你要的分,不能超过38) 关于幸福校园的童谣 To get to school on time,I need to get up at 6:00 a.m.为什么开头要加To?to get to school on time 与get to school on time的区别. 英语翻译学英语的怎么理解能力那么差! 一篇关于"we need more time to do exercise"写60字的英语作文里面要提到do exercise,do homework,study in the clubs 求速度求质量求字数,各种求,速速速度度度,只限今晚,过期不候 想找个英语好的为朋友指点我,谁愿意 BEC里面的 pool orders with other businesses 商务英语的定义,最好英文,中文的也可以, MD 的含义 商务英语如题咯 The girl in white is Lucy.in whiteA.with a white dress.B.wearing a white dress.in white底下划线,题目要求选择其一, 费俊龙和聂海胜第二次太空之行成功令全国人民为之振奋.】 (使句子表达效果更强烈) (麦)字姓氏怎么读? (1)已知点P1(x1,y1),P2(x2,y2)是一次函数y=3x+4的图像上的两个点,且y1>y2,则x1与x2的大小关系是( )A.x1>x2 B.x1 手机号码哪个好一点能说明一下吗?151587*4858151585*1499139588*0564137587*1537最后这个没4的 The students are having an English class in the classroomThe students are having an English class in the_______(classroom/classrooms).这里是用哪个?Don't eat in the classrooms.为什么这里classroom加S (The students )are having an English class 加( )部分提问___ ____ ____an Englishi class? Are the students having an English class?——No,they are__ __at the English Corner.一个空格处只填一个词 费俊龙和聂海胜第二次太空之行的成功令全国人民为之振奋 改为反问句 费俊龙的聂海胜第二次太空之行的成功使全国人民为之振奋. (使句子表达效果更强)烈 求大家帮我想个好的英文名,我叫建华,男的 对于五六题,能说明一下为什么吗?🙏 “杜”作为姓,粤语发音应该译为什么?就像“周” 就是chou 洪 是hung 谁认识下面的这种小花,并能说明一下分类. 第二题为什么选择B啊,能说明一下理由吗