
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:41:23
世界上飞的最高的鸟是?张的什么样子?应该是能飞出地球的吧 英语翻译L is for the way you look at me O if for the only one I see V is very very extraordinary E is even more than anyone that you adore can love It's all that I can give to you Love is more than just a game for two Two in love can make it Take 英语翻译Dear all,F.Y.I.,Shirley The message represents the personal views and opinion of the individual sender and under no circumstances represents those of Hutchison Port Holdings Limited ("HPH") or its Group Companies.The shareholders,director 英语翻译我们接受您所提出的降价要求,如下图所示.另:我们公司KDI9883这颗料也有2500PCS库存,在上次的表格里遗漏了,麻烦将上面的这段话翻译一下,因为我们公司帮客户公司备了一些库存,现 英语翻译意大利语 曲线y=x三次方-2x+4,(1)求在点(1,3)处的切线方程(2)求曲线上斜率最小的切线方程 怎么自学英语?想自学英语,不过基础很差,(会的就是 26个字母和几个有限的单词)请朋友们给我详细介绍下,应该怎么自学英语(包括学习的顺序,大概要买什么书,什么软件,或者闲暇时看看内 世界上什么鸟飞的最高 高中英语问答第五题 我觉得C也可以那么of course not 在这里解释为什么?是同意还是不同意? He always keeps the house clean.(改为动词不定式)His job is ___ ___ the house clean. She always makes the poor boy ________(clean)her 这几个词怎么译成英文?短信群发 WAP建站 空号检测 英语翻译主要从事五金,电器,钢材的采购与销售.在近三年的工作中,对各种钢材的牌号、性能、材质、用途、质量要求、产品规格有系统的掌握和了解,对国内各大钢厂的产品有全面的认识,对 英语翻译2005年9月---2008年3月在苏州市贸易有限公司从采购工作 英语翻译主要从事五金,电器,钢材的采购与销售.在近三年的工作中,对各种钢材的牌号、性能、材质、用途、质量要求、产品规格有系统的掌握和了解,对国内各大钢厂的产品有全面的认识,对 中文译成英文文章 40词左右我的妈妈叫张红 她每天乘工交车上班 上班时间是8:00 下班16:00 到了周六 她会和我一起打羽毛球 A:May I use your ruler B:My ruler is too ____(short) Is it your ruler Yes,it's.错在了哪里 雾霾天气(霾字怎样解释?) 雾霾的形成短一些急! it is a story怎么翻译? 诗歌七律雾霾反映了我国怎样的现状 She got her husband to clean up the house这个got 为什么翻译成叫他丈夫. she prides herself on her clean house这句怎么翻译呢 一道高一英语填空题!用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空:Mr.White ________ house was broken into the day felt annoyed these days. 用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空Yesterday he went to visit the school at ______he used to study ten years ago.RT填空并说明为什么.1楼的抱歉,我还是没懂~ 用适当的关系代词填空That's all___ I knowThis is the first thing ____I bought in the shopThe boy.____hand is injured,is crying on the roadI can't find the two boxes ,the covers of _____ are redThis is one of the most interseing movies___ I'v 用合适的关系代词或关系副词填空1.This is the ship by ()we went to Japan.2.I don'[t know the old man() I gave the watch to.3.This is the house in() I lived two years ago.4.The reason()he was absent was that he missed the early bus.5.This 填词.T_____ the world,more and more people live a low carbon life.改错.Do you mind if I turn on the radio?Well,I'd rather you don't.The old coins he found are great value.They are determined to go back so that they can serve for their country bet 用适当的关系副词和关系代词填空 Say all (what) you know.This is the time at (when)he usually arrives.I sing the same song (that) he always sings.The house (where) I lives is very clean.children like house (which) are painted in diff The holiday’s upon us.After months of study,you have some time to yourself.So,why not read a book?Well,some people will say,‘Why trouble with books?We have the Internet and __【 】 media that offer a lot more _colourful programs.Books are histo 1.i am s_____ this weekend with my parents.