
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:59:36
比较a2+b2与2(2a-b)-5的大小 the poor boy is r_____to the king.so he can be rich very soon.如何填空还有 Mr.clark makes a l_______by selling small souvenirs.Their coach was t______between the match and friendship .He doesn't know what to dothe host says "every guest must ma He came from a family.The family was very poor.改为复合句.He came from a family was very poor 某公司推出了一种高效环保型洗涤用品,年初上市后,公司经历了从亏损到盈利的过程,图中的二次函数图像(部分)刻画了了该公司年初以来累计利润s(万元)与销售时间t(月)之间的关系( (y+1)(y+2)(y+3)-7乘8乘9 分解因式 (1十40%)X乘0.8-X=3.6 x:40=0.6:1.6 广东八年级下册物理第一章主要学什么? 已知函数f(x)=ax2-c满足-4 已知函数f(x)=ax2-c满足-4 X+8/X=40 已知2的2n+1次方+4的n次方=48,则n=_______. the boys are playing with their friends.their friends提问 有谁知道红军“四渡赤水”“爬雪山”“过草地”的资料,要简短点儿.我急用!要简短一点儿,我要抄的. 哪个翻译器最好用啊.翻译的语法要准确拜托了各位 I used to chew gum a lot.怎么译,a lot是什么成分 Amy used to chew gum a lot变为否定句Amy used to chew gum a lot (变为否定句)Amy ___ to chew gum a lotMy father doesn't smoke any more (改为同义句)My father ___ ___ ___ 1 He 2 to 3 lot 4 a 5 gum 6 used 7 chew连词成句 Jim used to chew gum ________.A.a lots B.lots of C.a lot D.a lot of 试论战国时期的王道与霸道之争写篇论文.希望给写好的建议,或者好的参考书目.有追分``` 结合“施仁政”的谈谈扬王道和倡霸道概括的说,中国古代君主的治国方略不外乎两种,一种是扬王道,一种是倡霸道.结合《孟子》中的有关“施仁政”的论述谈谈你的理解 They stayed at school to h___their teacher.缺词填空 Hansel and Gretel do not listen to their teacher at school.Instead they secretly play a game calle 40%x-1.6*8=3.6 函数y=x(1-3x),x属于(0,1/3),求其最大值,答案是1/12我想问:不用图像,用基本不等式(a+b/2>=根号ab)怎样求出这个答案? x/(1-40%)=3.6 x-40%x=3.6 X除以(1一40%)=3.6 一道简单的不等式题S>P,P+R>Q+S,Q+R=P+S请把PQRS从大到小排列(PQRS都是正数)请写出详细的解体过程 一道关于不等式的简单题小刚在做题时发生了矛盾他在解不等式-x>x时将不等式的两边同时除以x得-1>1这显然是不对的,你能解释这是为什么吗? 王道和霸道是韩非的思想主张吗 x/2+y/3=2 x-y=5/2 解方程组