
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:57:45
1.A man loses a needle (针) in the room.He L____ for it on the floor,but it is dark in the roomHe L____ for it on the floor,but it is dark in the room And he can't see a_____.He comes out and looks for the needle in the s_____.A friend comes up.“W polite什么意思 polite是什么意思? 需求函数中的f是什么意思,F和P之间是什么关系 I found this outside this gentleman’s room.这句话能不能把第一个this变成it? what colour are sunflowers? 从下面的词语中任选三个词语,写一段中心明确,语句通顺的话.(50字左右) 急.伫立 忍俊不禁 小心翼翼 凝望 卑微 一丝不苟 请任选其中六个词语写一段话,要求语句通顺,不超过50字:飘飘忽忽\仔仔细细\痒酥酥\踉踉跄跄\跌跌爬爬\阴沉沉\孤零零\淡淡\潺潺\幽幽\缓缓 英语,两个名词和一个形容词一个名词有什么区别?分不清啊.比如,cultural background 和culture background.精通的人来,不懂得就别乱说了 is it that museum ---- they'd like to vist during their trip to japan答案为that,which为什么不可以 I asked them to visit the museum that day.They didn't say no.(合成一句)They _____ _____ me to visit the museum that day. 心理学实验里的四种色光的选择反应的结果,对红,蓝,绿,黄四种色光的反应顺序的理想结果应该是啥顺序? 修改错误Must I do my homework now?No,you mustn’t.__________ 更红更娇是什么意思 Noboby____who___at the meeting tomorrow.(tell,speak) 振阳的谐音英文名 天书奇谈的6d是什么意思啊? 最近遗传哥似乎很神秘,谁知道他的理想是神秘?有神秘所谓的遗传? 我读高二了,生物遗传一直不是很好,你可以给一些有效的建议吗 英语翻译我的幸福就是——非常忠诚地爱你 英语翻译简拼~很短的简拼。 为什么多数天体都是球形?为什么多数星系都呈盘状?球状是比较稳定的,但盘状呢? 为什么宇宙中的星系都是圆盘状为什么而不是球状、? She ___( go ) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening.说出关键词为什么 1.She said she would leave the message on the headmaster’s desk. 英语翻译 怎么翻译顺口 Be a better deal finder! 用bowl hammer woman单词造句 百度百科出现下面这个 怎么回事 英语翻译尽管疲倦,尽管刚刚躺在床上,但是一个小时之后,我又回到了那个屋子,很苦但很值,痛并快乐着,决不停息… 英语翻译“To design and produce pre-printed bags is not an economical option until our quantities grow and justify the costs of designing a special logo and stamp by the bag manufacturer.” 英语翻译This suggests that knowledge is futile(无意义的) and limited in its ability to bring happiness to those who seek it.Determination in Oedipus the King is linked to hubris(骄傲自大) and proves less an asset than a flaw to the ch 以下英文句子怎么翻译比较顺口.Tourism is a growing industry in Canada and what better place than Niagara to develop your tourism marketing business and operations skills!