
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:11:09
用父爱造句格式为:父爱是……父爱是…… 感恩小报的内容 已知a=(coaα,sinα),b=(cosβ,sinβ),o x减m的绝对值小于1怎么算 试着举几个满足“对定义域内任意实数a,b,都有f(ab)=f(a)+f(b)”的函数例子,你能说出这些函数具有哪些共 求函数y=(2sinx+1)/(2sinx-1)的值域 及定义域 函数g(x)与f(x)=-2x+1的图像关于y=x对称,则g(x)=___ 求详解 引导状语从句的词组是介词短语吗?介词短语会可以做连词?as soon as by the time 求神人翻译 We are often asked to make a speech in life. Most of us are afraid of it and don't do a(接上)good job. Here are some simple steps to make your speech a successful one. First of all,find out everything you can about your subject an The most powerful life lesson from last semester这句话,求翻译 What part of university life matters most to you?这句话怎么翻译? 英语翻译One of the most insidious aspects of life under despotism is that it can create an existential ennui among the subject,a barely conscious layer of hopelessness and helplessness,which then becomes a tacit participation in allowing the desp 已知x.y.z.为非有理数,且满足3x+2y+z=5,x+y=2,设t=2x+y-z,求t的最大值和最小值我写错了,应该是非负有理数 不好意思 (创新扩展)已知{x-y+2>=0,x+y-4>=0,2x-y-5 x,y为有理数,求x²加y²减2x减2y加5的最小值 @_@31页第二大题 14页第一大题的2、3小题,14页第三大题 第9页第六大题 朝代 作者 代表作品唐 ( ) ( )花仕女图 ( ) 范宽 ( )() () 清明上河图 五代 黄笙 () 0.347的3在什么位上,表示什么,7在什么,.表示什么 get it over还是get over it ,over是介词还是副词?有句子是I said that was OK and that I was sure she would get over it.这里的解释是,over是介词,宾语只能放在over后,但也有说over是副词,与代词连用,必须放在get和ov It is too early to tell whether ______the cost of production will _____ the company workers ornot.答案是cutting down ,benefit.请问为什么第一空要用分词形式? great rmphasis is attached to how to ()our natural resources ..(A)make the most of B make out ofC make up of D make of invite over 后可跟介词短语吗invite over后可跟什么 put the box over there.把箱子放在那边.这里的over there是介词短语吗?如果是的话,那可不可以和put加副词一样、把这里作名词的the box放后面?put over there the box?这样对么? What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?请问这道英语智力题的中文释义和答案是什么? what is easy to get into but hard to get out of?(谜语) What season is the most dangerous one? 帮忙!介词解释在这些句子中为什么用这些介词,什么意思?We both share a love OF music.It's warm FOR the time of year.Our arrangement for tomorrow is OFF.I'll congratulate Lily ON her excellent exam results.We'll discuss this OVER l what season is the most dangerous why? 在这些句子中为什么用这些介词,We both share a love OF music.It's warm FOR the time of year.Our arrangement for tomorrow is OFF.I'll congratulate Lily ON her excellent exam results.We'll discuss this OVER lunch.Everything was ready WITH t 脑筋急转弯What season is the most dangerous one? 已知函数y=x*x的值域是【1,4】则其定义域不可能是 库存周转率和存货周转率一样吗? 库存周转率的公式后面要不要再乘以100%? 封面是蓝色的书名:轻松快乐过寒假出版发行:江苏人民出版社语数英都要