
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:39:13
仿句:例:人人都爱秋天,爱她的秋高气爽,爱她的云淡日丽,爱她的香飘田野.仿:人人都爱__,__,__,__. While I was watching TV,my brother come in.(同义句) i was playing games on the computer which i bought two days ago while my mother was cooking fish翻译句子,如上.过了十七日晚十点后此条作废,混分者死开, 英语“不要钱”怎样翻译?要口语化不要书面语 do not play football in the classroom 意思不变另写一句 首字母填空:1)You are not s____to play football in the classroom2)Come s____(直接)home after school 3)The children sleep in s_____(各自的) beds.4)When are you going to get married and s____down 5)The box of gold coin dug out of the earth w 五年级下册语文书第27课《 凡卡》 第6自然段是按什么的描写顺序什么描写顺序、先后描写了( )( )景物 仿句:参照下面示例,以其他季节为写作对象进行仿写.示例:人们都爱秋天,爱她的秋高气爽,爱她的云淡日 例句:人们都爱秋天,爱她的秋高气爽,爱她的硕果累累.仿写一句! We reach the top of the mountain after two hours'climbing,______and out of breath.A.tiring B.being tired C.tired D.to be tiredA为什么错B为什么错D为什么错形容词做伴随状语怎么用 After climbing for seven hours,he finally (managed) reach the top of the mountain.managed 与succeeded tried achieved有何区别? After two hours of hiking,we finally reached _______ Tom thought was the best place to camp.A.where B.which C.what D.that “口语”是不是说成spoken English?“书面语”是不是说成written English、 凡卡是按什么顺序写的 凡卡按什么的过程记述请尽快 怎样区分仓鼠和荷兰猪,他们长得都很像啊? She succeeded in all major courses and won the outstanding student award and the college scholarship.这句话这么写对么? 怎么觉得2个and有点别扭?知道的指教以下,谢谢了! 这句话可以这么写吗?原句是 Where is the book from which you quoted this sentence?这样写可以吗?Where is the book you quoted this sentence from So far,not one of them has been struck down by sudden death!这句话能不能这么写,为什么?So far,one of them has been’t struck down by sudden death! Do you always express yourself that way什么意思 have faith in yourself! 英语翻译 If you have faith in yourself,no mountain is too high to climb. One of the greatest achievements in life is doing what people say you cannot do. 谁有好听的英文歌 能震撼人的心灵的?旋律动感 又不失激情的! 同义句转换Are you interested in geography?Do you ( )( )( )( )geography? Are you interested in playing chess(同义句) 2.He _____ the city for a long time.2.He _____ (leace)the city for a long time. 1.My grandma lives in the_____(南方的)part of the city.2.In the past,the air was ______(新鲜的)in my hometawn.3.After the _____with MissLi .we want to tack with her students.4.Miss King has been m___to Mr King since five years ago.5.Peopl 荷兰语 单词aantreken,aandoen,aanhebben是不是都是put on的意思? 荷兰语单词区别de bil和de heup区别 拿钱怎么翻译 This desk is oid .改为同义句 纪律标兵获奖感言怎么写?300多字的,就告诉我思路就好了,实在不知道怎么写………………