
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:00:35
This is one of hotels in our city中间填什么 the _________of this city is bad for our healthA goods B expese C has been D electricityB expense C climate The poulation of our city is than -- of thieirs.A.the oneB.this C.those D. Living in this old, small apartment must be very u_____.1.7 if,they go out ,they will e___ shopping until 10.30at night . I am going visiting.和 I am visiting.有什么区别? They tried to run away but we---(catch)them in the end. 12.They tried to run away but we _______(catch) them in the end. he tried to break away and run,like a wild animal这句话翻译 英翻汉:He tried his bert to run away. The robbers tried to run away,but we______(catch)them in the endShall we take the___(one)________(turn)on the right?One of the twins______(look)like his father,but the other doesn't.He is clever boy and learns everything______(quick)Tom was born five Our friends have a house in ( ).A.the West LondonB.West London 这题选哪个?Why? the girl ……was my friend.是加who还是whomA.who you just talked to him(如果是选这个为什么这里是这里是him不是her?)B.whom you just talked to 用适当的不定代词填空 our class has got ___free tickets if you don"t have __important to do thenyou must do __for our class next weekend ,Dose ___have _____ques-tions? he lives 独自 in that big house (himself)应该怎么填 说明下原因.RT 打雷不闪电能玩电脑吗没下雨下雨了雷声开始很大后来小了能玩吗 ____your brother____(know)Japanese? 用所给单词的正确形式填空.---------your brother---------〔know〕japanese. 谁快采纳谁 1._____your brother ______(know) Japanese ?谁快采纳谁1._____your brother ______(know) Japanese ?2.where ______ you ______ (have) lunch every day ?3.The girl ______ (like) wearing a skirt .look she ______ (wear) a red skirt today 采访钢笔字写的好的同学应该问哪些问题 “背”的组词请教“背(读一声)包”与“背(读四声)包”的区别? 背怎么组词 背字组词有哪些 背组词有哪些 背能组什么词 拟人句的意思 和 这样写的好处是什么?拟人句,这样写的好处是什么? 采用打比方和拟人句描写的好处是什么? 照出文段中一个拟人句,并说说这样写的好处去的尽管去了,来的尽管来着;去来的中间,又怎样地匆匆呢?早上我起来的时候,小屋里射进两三方斜斜的太阳.太阳他有脚啊,轻轻悄悄地挪移了;我 He wants to ___his computer_____me. 绿色蝈蝈的拟人句和这样写的好处 He wants to sells his computer to Tom.(sells前面为什么要加to?) come cener to the sports please 排序