
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 14:34:14
划线的句子用的是什么修辞手法,并仿写这样的句子 杨氏之子这篇课文向我们讲述了什么道理?从这篇课文你明白了什么道理? 范进中举这篇课文如何起到讽刺作用 求 why do you love me的英文歌词 高一英语作文“why Do We Lrean English" 优美散文及赏析著名的散文和赏析···原文50字左右··赏析50字左右··最好再加上这段散文的仿写~ 根据马说内容对对联,上联:无才难做千里马 对对联 上联:无才难做千里马 根据下列句子的句式、修辞和境界仿造句子,使上下文构成前后连贯合理的排比句也许你无法拥有深邃的蓝天,但是你可以拥有飘逸的白云;_____,_____;_____,_____.只要你满怀信心,善于发现,你会 舍弃这篇文章说明了什么道理 这篇课文说明了什么道理 优美文章欣赏谁帮忙找找几篇较短的优美文章? 欣赏美丽作文阿尔卑斯山谷中一条小路,两旁景物极美,路旁插着一块标语牌:“慢慢走,”他劝告那些匆匆过客不要无暇欣赏留下遗憾.请以“欣赏美丽”为题,写一篇作文.题材不限,不少于700字. 优美的作文与赏析要的是作文与赏析哦,不是窍门!快,急用!我要写摘记 麻烦大家对一下这个对联(对上联)上联内容:儒家的圣人孔子主张仁政教化,亚圣孟子宣扬性善学说上联:下联:道家老子庄子从法自然追求虚无 这个对联那个是上联,那个是下联,面对门,右边是上联,还是左边是上联, 《范进中举》中范进中举后胡屠户的语言和动作(要句子,急用, 结合具体语句分析《范进中举》结合课文的语句分析,不要太多,200字左右 英语翻译A meeting can be called and a ten-page report need to be typed in less than an hour; the phone may ring with repeated urgent messages-and you will have to stay cool,calm and type fast!That same day you may also have to take part in a meet 范进中举具体句子范进的形象分析 英语翻译Daniel was always making excuses for forgetting to do things.His usual excuse was:“ I was too busy.” or “I didn’t have time.”Daniel’s parents were worried about him.“ He shouldn’t go through life making excuses all the tim 英语翻译One day,my wife and I went shopping.We took the car as we had a lot of things to buy because my brother and his family were going to spend the weekend with us.We stopped the car in front of the shop.An hour later we came back to the car w 需要5句与食物有关的英语谚语AS TITLEAS FAST AS POSSIBLE 分别写出赞美花、水、木的诗歌各一句 英语翻译Staring disconsolately about the study,it suddenly struck him that the room looked disgustingly slovenly and unkempt.Phil was such an untidy beggar!He would fix things up a bit.If he did it carefully and methodically,no doubt he could con 范进中举这篇文章的亮点在哪儿,如何对这篇文章进行拓展网友们,着重是亮点……,拓展(与现代现象的) 阅读题 父亲 亲们帮个忙父亲是3天前的一个下午来的,当时无人在家,他搁下背兜蹲在门口抽叶子烟.楼上的张婆以为是盲流,呵斥他走开,我向父亲求证此事时,他像犯了错的孩子,局促地站起来, 嘴老是什么意思?我爸妈一直说 我都不知道什么意思 时间都去哪了一生把爱交给他只为那一声爸妈是什么意思,是指什么, 爸妈的payment是什么意思 关于军事的名人名言,有急用