
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:46:04
these days后接什么时态 what was wrong with me? 英语翻译 英语翻译Honey you are the only one in my life 翻译下 Which team will they play a_? Which football team does Zidane play for?A.ChnnesB.Real madridC.AC MilanD.Marseille Can you guess which team will (w ) the football game? 翻译此段:“剑道”一词最早源于中国先秦时期古籍《吴越春秋》.早在两汉时期,中日即有兵器及冶炼铸造技术的交流往来.同时中国一脉相承的双手刀法经过日本官方派遣遣隋使和遣唐使与 Do you think a person must have in order to be a successful politician!我认为应该是这个您认为呢? “what kind of essential qualities do you think a person must possess in ord A computer____think for itself ; it must be told what to do.(b)A.can’t B.couldn’t C.may not D.might not我觉得A也可以 英语翻译 We are ____________ji nan next week.A.arriving at B.arrive in C.arriving in D.arrive at We are ____ Ji’nan next week.A.arriving in B.arrive in C.arriving at D.arrive at Thenews that he failed in the exam was really frustrating.(改为感叹句) _ _ the news that he failThenews that he failed in the exam was really frustrating.(改为感叹句)_ _ the news that he failed in the exam The news that he failed in the exam accounted for his unhappiness this morning.这是个什么从句?如何得知?引导词是什么 knew the fact that he failed in the exam改成定语从句 Have another( ) 选项 A.bread B.piece of bread C.piece bread D.abread 希望尽快, 左边马,右边先,这个字念什么呀 英语对话填空 英语对话怎么填? 英语 填对话谢谢 求这个对话填空的答案 根据对话补全填空英语 木马怎么制作?无聊了想做做黑客..他们说黑客最拿手的就是制作木马..找是师傅教教 ..我教学费的 Kevin------to work in his home town after he graduated from university.(go)解释一下为什么, Kevin( )to work in his hometown after he graduated from universityA.goes B.went C.will go D.had gone 左边走着旁右边一个马念什么111 左边一个“革”,右边的上面一个“四”,下面一个“王”怎么读?在红楼梦第十五回中出现的,开篇就是 英语This is father and that is mother.(改同意句)This is father and that is mother.(改同意句)快~ Mr.Smith is not at home.He___to work.A.has gone B.has been C.had been D.had gone 科学家英语怎么写