
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:27:29
“彼得上班经常迟到”的英语解释Peter____often_____ _____work. 如果上班迟到了,你会怎么解释…… 上班迟到怎么解释? 一种dvd现在售价每台480元,比原来降低了120元,每台降价了百分之几 一道关于梯形的数学题在等腰梯形ABCD中,ab平行cd,∠d=2∠b,ad+dc=8cm,则ab的长为 一种商品,现在每件120元,比原价降低了30元,降价百分之几? He sat down on the sofa,__ on the televisionnand watched a new play 填Aturn Bturned Cturning let's write down what he saidA.That's a good idea C.it doesn't matter The young man sat back in his sofa, satisfied with what he had workedout to do with the remaining work. 求翻译A. having satisfied B. being satisfied C. To be satisfied D. satisfied 为什么是D What said he与 what he said他说什么 是 what said he (把动词提前 )怎么感觉 what he said 也可以呢? 上课迟到、300字的心得怎么写啊? 迟到后的感想 翻译成英文 what's the interval of terms of trade between the two trading countries?翻译成中文应该是:两个贸易国家之间的贸易条件间隔是什么?希望可以有理有据,最好用英语答,中文也可以. The president is now on a visit to Russia,__at expanding relations between the two countries.A.aims B.to aiming C.being aimed D.aimed 这里为什么不能选ABC三个答案,而选最后一个,但是这个题出现在很多资料上,aiming 是可 填空 Would you like to go to the_______(音乐会) with me this evening? 关于梯形的一道数学题如图,在梯形ABCD中,AD平行于BC,点E为AB中点,连结DE,CE.若DE⊥CE,试说明CD=BC+AD __is reported in the newspaper talks between the two countries are making 用as 还是it说明理由 ------is reported on CCTV,talks between the two countries are making progress.如上题,有 A.it B .which C.that D.as 选项,为什么?Attention!the water in the river has ----to a dangerous poite.Please move to safety.有A .raised B added C risen D 空 is reported in the newspaper ,talks between the two countries are making progress.A which B as C that D what As is reported in the newpapers,takes between the two countries are making progress.这句话对吗?我觉得应该是“As it reported” 最小一乘法 (Least Absolutely Deviation)中y=a+bx中a、b的值一般是怎么确定的,希望能用公式表示出来不是指的最小二乘法,最小二乘是取的平方,最小一乘是取的绝对值,|Yi-A-BXi|的和最小.希望懂的 两套数学题(同角三角函数的基本关系)1已知sinα-3cosα=0,求(sinα)^2+2sinαcosα的值2已知1+sinθ√[1-(cosθ^2)]+cosθ√[1-(sinθ)^2]=0,则θ的取值范围是:A第三象限 B第四象限 C 2kπ+π≤θ≤2kπ+3π/2(k All the leading newspapers ___[A.reported B.announced]the talks between the two countries.同时请说明原因 椭圆体积的一部分怎么算 如何计算椭圆立体的体积 tomorrow evening we are going to have a big dinner.[英译汉】 一道数学题:(关于梯形的!)一个梯形如果上底延长6分米,面积就增加9平方分米,且变成一个平行四边形.如果原梯形上底是6分米,原梯形面积是多少平方分米?要详细的算式 You are new here.Am I right?怎麽回答 若梯形ABCD中,AB‖DC,AB=5,BC=3,∠BCD=45°,∠CDA=60°,则DC等于 you are flinging flange me right I am 一道关于梯形的数学题如图,已知梯形ABCD中,AB//DC,BD=AD,AC=AB,∠ADB=90°,求证∠CAB=30° you are flinging,flanging me right I am嘛意思