
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:15:27
翻译 像代沟这样的问题是不可以被掩盖起来的.(sweep ……under the carpet ) Circle the words ang write them under the picture there is a boy ---- the picture.1,on 2,in 3,under _the photo _ is under the table(划线部分提问)_______ ________ ________ the table? (-2)的2010次方乘以(-7)的2009次方乘以(-143)的2008次方乘以(1/2002)的2008次方的答案是多少? 用in.on.under.behind.in front of.near.over.造句 in ,on ,in front of ,next to ,near ,under ,behind.1.Lo ok!There is a cat ____the car.It is dangerous!2.Many children are playing ___ the river.3.The dog is ___ the desk so you can’t see it.4.The pictures ____ the wall are very nice.5.LiLei is short 用in、on、behind、in front of、under填空.答后必有重谢(为了省事,开头字母没有大写)1、the teacher is ( )the blackboard.2、the blackboard is( )the teacher.3.the windows are ( )the wall.4、the book is( )the desk.5.the bag i 介词填空,每个词或词组只能用一次 (in,on,at,under,behind,in front of,in the front of,out of,afterbefore,with,of,by,over,about,near,between,for,without,from,to,off,beside)1 He does well( )writing English 2 Look( )the old woman( )Eng 已知多项式3X的立方+AX的平方+1能被X的平方+1整除,商式为3X+1,试求A的值求大神帮助 选择合适的介词填空 in on for under at behind behind后加什么介词 选用框内介词填空:on in under behind over for可重复用There are two pictures_______page 12.The apple trees have a lot of big apples ______them.And some birds are singing____the trees.There is a bridge______the river.The football is _____t 用适当的介词填空 in /on /under /behind/ to/ of /next toA cat is the treeMany bananas are the treeSome pictures are the wallLi Lei is duty todayI can't see the dog.It's the doorA red bike is the treeWho's the photoThere is a door the wallWelco get behind 后用什么介词 化简求值:1/a+根号1/a^2+a^2-2,其中a=1/5 已知M=(5+√24)的4次方,它的小数部分为N,求M(1-N)的值有 没有简便算法 若a的m次方=3,a的m+n=24,则a的n次方= the rabbit was under the table now is it beside the sofa is the tape player under the sofa做否定否定回答 “The bag is under the sofa”翻译为俄文 一元一次方程的小张乘车从学校去海滨共行驶了142km,汽车先走了一段平路,以后走上坡路,共用了5h.若汽车走平路的速度为每小时30km,上坡的速度为每小时28km,则平路长( )km,上坡路长( )km. It usually ____(sleep) under the sofa. Where the chair ?It“s (). A.near the sofa B.on the sofa C.under the sofa It's on the sofa. 已知函数f(x)+1/3x³+bx²+cx+d的图像过点(0,3)且在(-无穷大,-1)和(3,+无穷大)上为增函数,在(-1,3)上为减函数(1)求f(x)的解析式(2)求f(x)在R上的极值. 有17头牛,要分给三个儿子,老大二分之一,老二三分之一,老小九分之一,请问怎么分? 17桶油,老大分二分之一,老二分三分之一,老三分九分之一.怎样分? 奥数题(用一元一次方程解)今年姐妹两人的岁数加起来是55岁,曾经有一年姐姐的岁数是今年妹妹的岁数,那时姐姐的岁数恰好是妹妹岁数的2倍.问姐妹今年各多少岁? Is there a ball under the desk?---______________________.B.Yes,there’s C.No,there isn’t C为什么错了? Is there a ball under the desk?改错回答:Yes it is a ball under tabie is there the连词成句