
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 08:08:11
How much does the ticket____ to trveal from Shanghai to Beijing.A.cost B.take C.spend D.pay How much does the train ticket __ from Suzhou to Beijing?中间填spend,cost,pay,还是take? the man is looking forthe man is looking for (s ) warm and clean to live in大哥 Look!The old man is e____. Look!Who is the man_______?His girlfriend.A.waiting forB.waitsC.waiting原因我认为是A答案是B 四级完形填空常见词汇辨析有哪些 If you study hard ,you can pass the test only if you study hard,you will pass the test.为什么没用倒装是因为逗号的缘故吗逗号后为什么没用部分倒装?急 用英语翻译 我的糖果屋 , 英语,短文改错(10处)I first met Li Ming at a friend birthday party five years ago.Then I invited Li Ming over in my place .We listen to my CDs together and soon become best friends.Three years ago ,Li Ming's parents invited I to spend two w 英语翻译TO LOVE IS NOT TO LOOK AT ONE ANOTHER,BUT TO LOOK TOGETHER IN THE SANG DIRECTION.LOVE……I FEEL IF IN MY FINGERSIFEEL IF WRLTTEN ON THEKNOW I LOVE YOU IALWAYS WIND ON THE KNOW I LOVE FINGERS有两段、请分开来写、谢谢啦~ I can't pass the exam if teachers don't help me的同义句 翻译一段文字,英译中“For an eiii-dee,” they were saying. “We need to see Lisette Mulvey.”This was unexpected.In second-period class, at 9:40 A.M., on some damn Monday in some damn winter month she’d lost track of, when even the year 干杯的英语说法是什么 My father came back the day before yesterday.My father has ______ ______ for two days. Yesterday my father came back home as late as my mother 改为同义句 yesterday my father came back home as late as my mother (两句合并一句)yesterday my ______came back home ______ ______ ______ ______. My father came back the day before yesterday =My father has___ ___for weo daHe is the man who___(take)Peter's pen My father came back the day before yesterday.同义句转换 My father has ______ ______ ______for two days. 一条长1500米的水渠横截面如下图所示,求挖这条水渠需要挖土多少立方米? 一条长1500米的水渠横截面如下图所示,求挖这条水渠要挖土多少立方米 一条长1500米的水渠横截面如下图所示,那么挖成这条水渠需要挖土多少立方米 挖一条长1500米的引水渠,横截面是个梯形,上口宽4.6米,下底宽1.2米,深1.4米,挖水渠共需挖土多少方 某乡挖一条500米长的水渠,水渠的横截面是一个边长为10米的正方形,如果每天挖土100立方米,需要多少天才能挖成成这条水渠.急 回答对了另加悬赏分 If you don't study hard ,you won't pass the exam.同义句转换 同义句If you don't think hard,you won't pass the exam.———— ———— ,———— you will failIf you don't think hard,you won't pass the exam.———— ———— ,———— you will fail your exam. Have you ______ your father recently?No.He doesn't often write to me.A.heard about B.heard of C.heard from D.got from为什么用C不用A, Have you heard ( ) your cousin recently?Have you heard ( ) your cousin recently? 挖一条长1500米的引水渠,水渠横断面是一个梯形,面积是2.7平方米.已知水渠上口宽2.4米,渠底宽1.2米求:水渠深 某镇计划修一条横断面为等腰梯形的水渠,梯形的面积为10.5平方米,渠口比渠底宽3米,比渠深多2米,渠口应渠口 是梯形的什么地方?渠口应挖多宽? 某地计划修一条长为750米,断面为等腰梯形的水渠,断面积为1.6平方米.某施工队承包这项工程,计划在一定时间内完成,按计划工作了5天后,增加了煤油,提高了工效,每天比原计划多挖土15立方米, 挖一条长1500米的引水渠,水渠的横截面是一个梯形,面积是4.5平方米.以知水渠上口宽3.2米,渠底宽1.3米,求水渠的深度.快~~~