
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 03:12:44
拂晓的意思是什么 拂晓的意思是什么啊 long before和long since 区别 since long long ago这句话对吗 合语法吗 当你打电话打不通的时候.里面的提示语音的英语是怎么讲的?有谁知道,请告知一下,” for a long time 的时态搭配for 介词引导的时间状语常搭配完成时态或过去时态,请帮忙详细解释一下以下各句中的的时态使用的要求.1.---Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friend yesterday?--- Yes,he did.He hadn't seen 电话号码3711000用英语怎么说 破晓的意思是什么 黎明的含义是什么,意义是什么? 罗马凌晨的含义是什么?士大夫 I have been chosen you,how can i give up I think it's been a long time since I've heard anyone as good.语法讲解 I think it's been a long time since I've heard anyone is good.翻译我不太理解:我已经很久没有听到那么好的发言了.后半句有点不懂.我理解:我想我听到任何人是好的已经很久了.总之就是不理解.这是什 lei lei told me he did well in the final exam .(同义句)lei lei ____ me ____he did well in the final exam .to spit in public places is not polite .(同义句)____isn't polite _____ spit in public places .她五岁时就会弹钢琴.she was 八下英语题啊 快~~~~~~~~1.I asked my father what to do.(同义句)I asked my father _____ I _____ ______.2.john said Lucy wouldn't come because she was ill.(变成直接引语)john said :"Lucy _____ ______ because she _____ ill .3.I as Maybe you should buy a clock and it can help you.(根据答语完成问句) ( )( )( )( mom和mum的区别 天价房什么意思 画楼拂晓帘开, He()from home for a long timeAhas gone awayBhad gone awayChas leftDhas been away 反意疑问句 They haven't gone home____? 初一英语It's_____to discuss your problem with your friends1.the_______(a man who serves food and drink at the table in a restaurant)in that restaurant all wear white and blue uniforma.2.could_______(某人)please turn off the TV. _tell your problems to your friends will help you feel better.(help) 假设你是孙佳文,今天英语口语课上的话题是“Help Your Friends Sole Problems".请你根据以下提示,提示:1,What was your friend's problem?2,How did you solve it?.要求:1,语句通顺,符合逻辑,可适当发挥;2,70词左 ( )分享problems with your friends tell help your Spot friends to 怎么连起来? 《a good friend》的英文歌怎么唱 友情的英文歌 男女合唱的 有一句“a good friend last a lifetime" 谢谢了! 壹 贰 叁 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 万的行草怎么写 英语翻译Four letter word just to get me along It's a difficulty and I'm biting on my tongue and I I keep stalling,keeping me together People around gotta find something to say now Holding back,everyday the same Don't wanna be a loner Listen to me Long long ago,people didn't know the earth ________ round the sun.A.moving B.moved C.moves D.went 我叫姜彤,男,能不能帮我取个和名字读音差不多的英文名