
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 13:14:41
时间用字母表示怎样写 mary was looking forward to ——to kate`s birthday party a.inviting b.being invited c.invite invited Don't get any closer to the cage of the animals.One step forwards,____they might hurt you.A.or B.and D.then (1+3+5+...+1 999)—(2+4+6+...+1 998) 己知,如图,三角形ABC和三角形DBE均为等腰直角三角型.求证AD=CE,AD⊥CE.机智的己知,如图,三角形ABC和三角形DBE均为等腰直角三角型. 求证AD=CE,AD⊥CE. 机智的小伙伴们, 如图,已知:三角形ABC和三角形DBE均为等腰三角形.(1)求证:AD=CE;(2)求证:AD垂直CE 如图,△abc△bde为等腰直角三角形,∠abc=90°,∠dbe=90°,连接ad,ce,ad与ce又怎样的位置关系? △ABC和△DBE均为等腰直角三角形,且A,C,D在同一直线上,求证:AD=CE如图 如下图,三角形ABC及DBE都为等腰直角三角形,求证EC垂直于AD. 时.分秒英文表示 方用英文字母怎么表示? 3x²-x+2 因式分解 因式分解 (x²+3x-2)(x²+3x+4)-16最多一小时 如图所示,在三角形abc中,BD=DC,角1=角2,求证AD平分角BAC 英语翻译Not until Tom experienced a series of defeats __ that his idea was wrong.A.had he realized B.did he realize C.he had realized D.he realized 英语翻译The science of medicine,__ very rapid progress has been made lately,is perhaps the most important of all the sciences.A.on which which which D.from which 度分秒表示159.34度 因式分解 3x²+5xy-2y²+x+9y-4=?a³(b-c)+b³(c-a)+c³(a-b)=?a³+b³+ 1.问:How many children do Cindy and Ron have?答:they have two children.为什么是问的时候是用do而不是用are?回答的时候为什么是they have而不是they are?they are和they have有什么分别? your和at your.我发觉at和i 如图,已知在三角形ABC中,AD垂直BC于点D,BE垂直AC于点E,AD=BD,求证:AF+DC=BD 如图,在三角形ABC中,角C=90度,AC=12cm,AB=25cm,点D在BC上,DE垂直于AB,垂足为E,且DE=DC.求BE的长 度、分、秒的化简1、把33.28°化成度、分、秒得2、180°20′42″=3、计算(过程) 22°18′×5 90°-57°23′27″4、32.48°化成度、分、秒得5、72°23′42″= 度6、57°57′= - What have you been doing recently?- I ( )a trip to Australia and have just returned.A.took B.have taken C.had taken D.have been taking.虽然我知道选A是因为是过去时,但是B又错在哪里了? 2x^3-3x^2+1=0怎么因式分解 因式分解-3x+2x-1/3=? 一道英语高考题The child broke out into a rash five days after_____to infectionA.being exposedB.having exposedC.exposedD.having been exposed为什么选 一道 英语高考题 ,7.Since people are fond of humor,it is as well in conversation as _______ else.A.anything B.something C.anywhere D.somewhere为什么? 一个英语高考题--高手进32、Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel,David Copperfield,was ____ it was rather closely modeled on his own life.A:what B:that C:why D:whether2、请标准翻译 如图三角形ABC中,AB=AC,D为AC上一点,且AD=BD=BC,则角ABD等于多少度? 一个英语高考题---帮帮忙—Good morning.I’ve got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department.—Ah,good morning.You _____ be Mrs.Peters.A:might B:must C:would D:can最后请标准翻译, 一个英语高考题---高手进的The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune _____ .A:is made B:would make C:was to be made D:had made 并翻译 简单的度分秒互化5.625度=()度()分()秒6000秒=()度但我希望知道是怎么得出的