
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:24:51
--Don't forget to watch the match.--OK,I___.空格处应该填 I won't 还是 I will 以及为什么? “我是不是该安静的走开”到底是什么意思,听了很多遍还是不明白 I hope I can go to the beach 的同义句I hope __to the beach.填空!填两个单词! How I can hope I can go to the moon的结构的分析 get your hot dog quite,too,very,so之间的区别 go your mother hot old I hope () () a new computer.为什么用 to What triggers your hot buttons? I ___ just ___(buy) a new computer,but Nick ___(buy) his computer in 2009. 直径2mm,长度75mm的不锈钢丝杆如何检测径向圆跳动,直径为2,长度75,牙距0.14的不锈钢丝杆如何检验圆跳动,尾端有梯形台阶,径向圆跳动要求0.15以内,使用百分表等容易压弯前端,补充上示意图一 I buy a computer for a song. I'm saving my money so I can buy a new computer.那么,I save my money so I can buy a new computer.这句话对吗? 例四,t的范围不明白, He will expect some reward after working so hard 这个句子里面是将来时吗?如果是,为什么?如果不是,那WILL是什么东西, 男性第九对染色体有异常对胎儿有什么影响? 胎儿16号染色体偏长 对胎儿有什么影响么会不会导致畸形有医生说如果胎儿父母染色体也是46,XY,16qh+.,那 就属于遗传,胎儿应该没什么事吧,之前有生过一胎,孩子正常,现在就是到期去做彩超,及 开合螺母的作用?. 为什么有的人那么招蚊子咬尼|||||||| str( )ct After the injury would not reveal much sadness,so I quiet,quiet,learn to forget.怎么读? After the injury would not reveal much sadness,so I quiet,quiet,learn to 谁能给我翻译一下:after the injury would not reveal much sadness,so I quiet ,learn to forget.求大 fter the injury would not reveal much sadness,so I quiet,quiet,learn to forget. to become quiet after nervous activity Have you ____your new classmates yet?A.had friends with B.made friend with C.got friend to D.made friends with ABC三选项什么意思 i don't konw how to use the computer.(改为同义句) I don't know how I should use the computer.改为简单句::I don't know___ the comp...I don't know how I should use the computer.改为简单句::I don't know___ the computer.……三个横线怎么填? 的译文 望九华译文 高手come on,重赏!某商场预计全年分批购买电视机3600台,每批都购入x台(x是正整数),且每批均需付运费400元.(1)写出全年总运费y(元)与每批购入的电视机台数x之间的函数关系式;(2)如果全年总运 初二数学 , 2元一次方程解! 快10分钟之内 come on 送财富啊!某区中学生足球联赛共赛8轮(即每队均需参赛8场),胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,负一场得0分在这次足球联赛中,市一中足球队踢平的场