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《郑伯克段于鄢中》郑庄公怎么就和武姜和好了呢?郑庄公和武姜之间不是有很大的矛盾吗?怎么——公入而赋:“大隧之中,其乐也融融!”姜出而赋:“大隧之外,其乐也泄泄(yì).” 就那么 从郑伯克段于鄢第四段来看,共叔段的性格特点是 用喜爱…喜爱…喜爱…造句 Mary years (),there lived a doctor in a small town.A.before B.long C.ago D.over 造句我喜爱……因为……必须是写花例:我喜爱梅,因为它是花中的志士,坚强不屈在线等,急啊3个啊 英语纠错-请问这句话有错误吗?如果想说“当我不断告诉你的时候”过去式,应该是when i was keep telling you还是when i was kept telling you?还是when i was keeping telling you? 英语纠错-请问哪句话有错误?Neither I nor he speaks ChineseNeither he nor I speaks ChineseNeither of he and I speaks Chinese是不是都对? drivers drive on the righr side in china .改成一般疑问句 英语纠错-请里面有错误吗?Long ago ,there were all kinds of animals,but now we will never ever see some of animals because they have extincted including dinosaurs.some of animals have vanished because of natural disasters.However,some of the 英语纠错-请问这里有错误吗?有外宾要来,我在写接待方案.可是头儿再三让我检查,说我这里还有错误.可是我怎么检查也检查不出来了.麻烦大侠帮检查.(我的头儿很认真,标点,大小写他都在意 英语纠错-请问这句话有错误吗?7The boy is not doing any work lately There are ____ (a lot ,a lot of) birds in the tree. There are a lot of…trees in the village .1.There are a lot of _____ trees in the village B.apples C.apples’’s I (toured/traveled) China last year.选什么,为什么?我是拼错了,应该是travelled我是问为什么用toured There ___ (is,are) a lot of birds in the tree.选择括号内的单词填空,并说明理由 are,of,there,lot,in,the,building,front,trees,a,of. 工程里怎么求算比较不规则立体的体积呢? 关于《郑伯克段于鄢》哪些是词类活用,哪些是一词多义,哪些是文言句式 不规则几何体怎样求体积和重量奥数班老师给我们提了个问题,要用五种方法测量不规则几何体的体积(例如:人体),各位江湖上的英雄豪杰,7月29日急用啊,Orz!要五种方法啊!5种! 什么软件可以自动计算几何体体积?如圆台、圆锥等 英语纠错-请问这句话有错误吗?4He has not been very successful so far.He is not very successful so far.哪个有错么? 选择填空 Who taught ______Japanese last year?A.your C.yours 写出选项,(我选B)你很确定再说.....否则,不....要不会误导我.... I taught here last year变为现在进行时变为现在完成进行时I taught here last yearHe began to make model planes when he was seventhey moved here in 1993(live)Bill began to talk on the phone five minutes ago My sister is playing with her d 在《郑伯克段于鄢》中,“多行不义必自毙”一语指斥的对象是A.武姜 B.公子吕 C.京城大叔 D.郑庄公 “此地空余黄鹤楼”中的“空”怎么读? 英语纠错-请问这句话有错误吗?3He has gone to London now. 崔颢的黄鹤楼里的空怎么读 英语纠错-请问这句话有什么错误吗?3My education background in English and my teaching experience have been excellent preparation for this position 英语翻译 《郑伯克段于鄢》中庄公性格分析及表现人物所用手法?不用太复杂,有一百多两百字就行了 《黄鹤楼》的翻译 英语翻译唐 崔颢