
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:57:10
(1)某上点两件衣服各卖了48元,其中一件赚了5分之1,而另一件亏了5分之1,这两件衣合在一起是赚了还是亏了?赚了或亏了多少元?(需要写过程)(2)看一本书,第一天看了全书的8分之1,第二 小学六年级数学题,望各位解答!解题步骤应有条理,应用题应有详细算式!急!越快越好!答好有高分!用合适的方法计算4-[3.75*(1.2-1/3)+3/4] 求数学题五六年级的应用题(越多越好) 英语作文(Who should to do the housework?) 帮我给下和多添一些内容!In mypoint of view,doing housework is just a part of life,if the couples should to do housework together,I guessit may be a good way to reduce the conflict and increase t You should h___ do the housework at home.What's wrong?(改为同义句)____ ____? After class the boy f___ the teacher to the office. The Smiths _____ _____(write) a book. You should do_____much housework _____ _____ at home 你应该在家里尽量做些家务.每空一词 farewell翻译成汉语的意思是? get married with/to与某人结婚到底是get married with还是get married to? get married to 与get married with 有什么区别列出他们的不同点及共同点,并举例句 get married to 和 get married with有什么不同 ________(有上升的趋势)for people to work at home rather than in the office now.提示词:tendency All the employees except the manager___to work online at home.A.encouragesB.encourageC.is encouragedD.are encouraged 如图是2002年国际数学家大会的会标,如果大正方形的面积是34,小正方形的边长是2,四个直角三角形较长直角边为a ,较短直角边为b ,你能求出(a+b)^2 空间解析几何求直线方程此线过点(-1,0,4)并平行面3X-4Y+z-1=0,并且和线X+1=Y-3=Z/2相交求此线方程嫌具体做麻烦的话说下方法就成,另有分奉上,.这也太简略了点.要会的话就不来问了么. get marry,get married,got marry,got married怎么区别?get marryget marriedgot marrygot married这四种形态有什么区别了?它们都怎么用?标示什么意境?有没有哪个是矛盾的不能用的?希望给每个的例句~最好带翻译^ 望哪位英语高手能帮解释解释marry与get married 的区别,什么情况下用marry,什么情况用get married .并举例说明.另外,marry常与哪些词连用.最好也能举例.再翻译下面的句子:她嫁给了一位军人.她与 get marry和get married一个一般将来时的语态,譬如 I'll get married with**.为什么不能用I'll get marry with **.未来时态为什么还要用过去时态“married"啊?求教 marry=get married 一个长方形周长是88厘米,长与宽的比是4:7,长方形的长和宽是多少? 一个长方形周长是88cm,长与宽的比是7:4.长方形的长、宽各是多少厘米?面积是多少平方厘米? 十四世纪中国发明了什么计算工具 早在14世纪,中国发明什么计算工具 集合为何会产生悖论?其根本原因是什么?是集合的概念本身存在问题吗? 集合为何能产生悖论、?怎么解决集合产生的悖论? 集合为何会产生悖论? Who ( ) the camera?a.discovered b.found c.set up d.invented A:who____the washing machine ______?B:It was invented by Fisher.A .was;invented B.was;invented by这个题该选哪一个? 请问“Who was the car invented by?”和“Whom was the car invented by?”那一种说法正确?好像两种说法都可以,还是? How was the bicycle invented? Who __ the telephone It ___ by Amy .A was invented was invented B inventWho __ the telephone It ___ by Amy .A was invented was invented B invented was invented 常温常压下14g由氮气和一氧化碳组成的混合气体含有的原子数目为NA 常温常压下14g氮气和一氧化碳组成的混合气体所含原子数为?