
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:46:53
请问多少分可以到武汉大学 我是四川2010级考生今年高 重本60分我非常想去武汉大学的 请问 我这个成绩 我是理科的今天我问了下 华中科技大学的(这个大学应该和武汉大学差不多吧)他们 了 字第一笔怎么读 么字去第一笔是什么字 西语中如果要指她们有多少人怎么讲 手机成这种了. Animal globes are ____very popular gifts.A.a kind of B.kind of C.the kind of D.kinds of I will study hard to try to better than you because i want to confess my feelings to you before year I will study hard because I just want to give you including me a wonderful future...语法有没错 including能表并列吗?, I want to study hard,come on.Believe they will succeed! 祝你们新年快乐!事业有成!家和万事兴! 为什么蚊子的反应那么慢,而苍蝇的反应那么快?是因为苍蝇有复眼? 黄河发源处 黄河的发源处是 黄河的发源处是那 《家和万事兴》的作文500字 当今“知书答理|”是什么意思大神们帮帮忙 书是智慧的钥匙是什么意思求大神帮助 I want my parents_____(buy)me a new bicycle I want to buy a computer,but my parents won t buy one for me.提建议. A:I want to surprise my parents.B:You______buy them a CD.(should/can) becase i want to be rich and buy a big house for my parents 黄河的发源处 The man is(a teacher)对括号部分提问 ____ is the man?____my math teacher.空白的地方应该填什么?还有 ____is the woman?____my music teacher. My parents ____ not ____ work. many parents haven't realized the extent to which the problem weigh their children down.用to which是由于extent的原因?这句话什么意思 My parents go to work from Monday to Saturday.同义句My parents go to work_____ _____ a ______. I put down my dignity,personality and obstinacy for the sake of you who I am unable to put down. me day plays he with every.连词成句 一道连词成句题.MrsSmith,with,dog,her,takes,day,every,walk,a 西语ese和ése的区别? 西班牙语Como se llama,bonita,mi casa,su