
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:41:04
已知一圆O,其半径未知.圆外有一点P,过P作圆的切线,与圆交于点A,PA长度为4,又过P点的直线与圆O交于B,C两点,PB=8(PB>PC),求BC长度.我想了很久,作不出,那位帮助下. 关于圆的,A,B,C,D依次昰圆O上的四个点,弧AB=弧BC=弧CD,弦AB,DC的延长线交于P点,若角ABC等于60度,则角P等于❺❺❺❺❺木有人撒 ask sb.后跟动词不定式还是跟动词原形 much/far/..形容词 是加形容词的原型还是. much后的形容词用什么级 let sb do sth 中 是指动词原形吗? 英语前元音与半元音是什么啊? 在英语中,两个半元音字母是什么 英语两个半元音连读DO YOU ------读这个的话 DO 是以/u/结尾的 而YOU又是以/j/ 开头的 这样的话 /j/ 还用加个/w/ 的音吗 [要是元音得加 这我倒知道] 就是说还用说成 /du wju/吗?也可以 英语国际音标里哪些是半元音?什么叫半元音? even可以修饰形容词的比较级和最高级吗?much也是吗? much more的 用法.形容词和副词的最高级有什么区别? much too 还有词性?如题. too much 是不是 个副词词组Don't ask too much of me 这里 too much 是不是 副词词组呀?修饰ask much too 后面 加形容词 too much 后面 加不可数名词 这句 不要对我要求太高,too much 后面是否还要再加名词 t sth.of sb有哪些动词 sth of sb中 sb应该是名词性物主代词吧如The book of mine/hers/his没错吧但为什么有个短语是the work of Luxun而不是the work of Luxun's 海底两万里英文版读后感100词左右,简短些的 the confused look on her face suggested that she _____ her manage's idea.A hadn't quite understoodB shouldn't quite understood there was a___(fighten)look on her face when she heard the story 英语翻译Too much is not good for childrenIt is not a good idea for children to work too hard.Children should study in school as hard as they can.They should not have to do heavy work with their bodies.When parents or others ask their children to At the news,there is a ________ (surprise) look on her face.用其什么形式填空?是不是surprised 还是用surprising?为什么?可surprised 一般是人做主语的呀,我搞不懂了呀, 动词+sth/sb+to+sth/sb的形式 反正就是什么动词用介词to的 Too much is not good for children是什么意思? The _ look on the girl's face suffested that she _ such had newsA surprising;would expect B surprised;should expect C surprising; shouldn't have been expected D surprised; hadn't expected 可以同时使用v+sb to do sth 和v+doing 形式的动词 (尽可能多哦~) It's not good for you_(smoke)so much请说明原因谢谢 When t saw her this morning,she wore a...look on her face.A.tired B.tiringC.being tired指物的时候如 an interesting book但在此主语是人, much adcademic burden does not good for us急求此英语作文,明天就要用,150字左右, 请教;Too much food is not____for health.为什么填good不填well. 二元一次方程应用题求解!某报亭从报社进报纸的价格是每份0.5元,卖 出的价格是每份1元.卖不掉的报纸还可以以每份0.3元的价格退回报社.在一个月的30天里,有20天每天可卖出该种报纸300份,其 根据提供的双音节词语写出一个成语.山岭 (崇山峻岭)山野 (满山遍野)日月 ( )山谷 ( )惊动 ( )波浪 ( ) 根据提供的双音节词语写出一个成语 饥渴 例如 山岭 崇山峻岭 .