
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 10:58:12
My pencil is yellow.对划线部分提问划线部分:yellow Excuse me,__________ could you tell me the way to the post office?A.or B.but C.and catch me if you wanna 什么意思?理解性翻译 Something is wrong with your bike,_____?(反意疑问句) Something must be wrong with your watch,___?反义疑问句0 - 解决时间:2009-9-29 21:46 A.isn't B.aren't they C.must it D.mustn't they该选哪个?理由! 求此视频的背景音乐歌名,有句catch me if you can 跪求东方神起catch me电子音的catch me if you wanna只要电子音那一部分,有的话请发给我 小学英语中What is his hobby?的同一句是-----------? 她的爱好是什么的英文 可以用what is his hobby 或 what are his hobbies两种方法表达吗? what is his hobby? 四级英语考不考,大家说考好,还是不考好啊,我英语口语好,但是写就不行了. 魔卡少女樱中的歌 Catch You Catch Me 中文注音不是罗马注音,是用汉字注,比如tsubasa就写成 醋巴萨 之类的这种,的确很怪,但是好认, 百变小樱魔术卡Catch you catch me简谱谁知道, be happy about 的同义词be s____with my brother writes as ___as me [care] not的过去式是don't吗 如果在一片英语过去式文章中,出现“我喜欢……,我不喜欢……” 那么like 和 don‘t 还用过去式吗? 四级没过550 能报考英语口语吗?具体时间几号? Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?No,I (  )my homework all day yesterday.Aappears BappearedChas appeard Dis appearing 为什么?你看完了那本书吗?没有,我昨天一整天正在做我的作业,这翻译的通? 选择题要解析When( ),the new stadium wil hold 50000 people.A completed B be completed C compleingD having completed W选择题要解析When( ),the new stadium wil hold 50000 people.A completed B be completed C compleingD having completed "Had you finished your homework before you watched TV?"Kate's mother asked her.改为间接引语 带两个一的成语 两个带履的成语 带 乐在第二个 的成语 have fun talking with each other 和 next to the ones you May be in our real life we might have seen such a scene.1.此句是虚拟语气么?2.若是,用haven't还是虚拟语气么? 成语对对子 固若金汤 井然有序 My favorite sportes is football.有语法错误吗?为什么这里要用sports复数形式?非常感谢 Do you play football after work?Yes,_____.playing football is not my favorite sportA,more or lessB,once in a whileC,time and againD,sooner or later “I have just been to a shopping conter with Michael. you can watch the weather show____ 请问与流芳百世,井然有序,指鹿为马,固若金汤,雪中送炭意思相对应的成语是什么?求救@_@请问与流芳百世,井然有序,指鹿为马,固若金汤,雪中送炭意思相同的成语是什么?求救@_@!