
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:12:26
of the students____a ticket___children,they can play there for 4 hours 是填has和for吗 If you don't love her ,don't touch her.Stay away from her. can you play with me?now you don't keep touch with 鲁鲁修中的哪几句常说的英语是甚么意思? 为什么是pay for it 不是pay it for 呢,put it on 就可以,还有pay for 和pay 的区别是什么 it 放在pay for的前面还是后面?如:I pay for it.还是 I pay it for? you _____pay for the book if you _____itA don't need to ;needn't B don't need ;don't need C needn't ;needn't D needn't ;don't need pay it和pay for it意思一样么?有什么区别? Thank those once,loved me and looked down on my person翻译中文 请翻译一下句子l,looked,down He sat down, and looked very sad.翻译成中文 求海贼王主题歌,歌词最后是“You wanna be my Friend We are,We are on the cruise!We are!You wanna be my Friend We are,We are on the cruise!We are! Who are you,I want to be a friend of you it's an e-mail _______ Simon _______his pen friend 填介词 I'm talking()my friends()my family.只能填介词.Here’s a kite(). i will never be over It will never happen,unless you I will not believe you until never 龙字下边一个共拼音怎么拼 高通什么龙?那个字我不认识,拼音打不出来 一个风去掉中间的两撇换上止的字的读音是什么?是“凪”,我也是复制而来的,求拼音~ 秃宝盖下边龙是什么字拼音是什么 选择题选择答语Are you making soup?A.OK B.Sure C.That is good D.Yes,you are right YES,you're Can you tell me how you study for a big test?Sure!Yes.Sure we will.解释“Sure we will”意思,用法 The food from England is too expensive for us to buy.(保持原句意思不变) the food in the restaurant is expensive e___ Is food expensive in your country?谁会回答? The food is___expensive,it can cost us___money to buy itA,too much;too much B,much too;much tooC,too much:much too D,much too:too much The food is very expensive.(两种感叹句) you will f(-----)that you have many friends 在“或”字的弯钩上再加两撇是什么字?这个字我用五笔也不会打,但肯定有这个字,我是一次看报看到的.