
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:16:22
it took them three months ____ ( build) the bridge . It has taken them half a year to build the bridge.改为同义句 It has taken them a year to build the bridge.(改为同义句) 我想念你的英文是什么? 我想念你 你呢?英文怎么说 “我想念你,请等我”用英语怎么说如题 我喜欢你,但我不能说 英语翻译宫崎骏在接下了《红猪》的工作之后,不知是为了消解压力还是什么的,提出了一个建议:我们来盖一座新的工作室吧!”这就是宫崎骏一贯的方式:当遇到一个问题的时候,就制造一个 还有一个问题,这是最后一个了 They will finish the bridge next year.(用by the end of next year改写)They______ ______ ______ the bridge by the end of next year 天的拼音要怎么拼读才正 “因为是你,所以我永远都不后悔”英语翻译求大神帮助 which of the following statements as TRUE according to the passage? Which of the following is true about London according to the passage的中文意思? 校服的英文是什么?是不是还有个什么说法来着…… gym怎么读,是读字母还是单词的全部发音? 会读字母不会发音怎么办?我家宝贝6岁了,9月份就要上小学里了,英语数学都很满意,唯一不满意的就是不会汉字发音,比如.h-ao第三声,这个字母都能读出来,最后就是不会发出“好”字,很让人纠 VIP读法是读音V-pe还是读字母VIP 元音发音字母怎样读 请用英文写出穿校服的好处如题,至少4条, 英语翻译 哀默大于心死么? 我们都穿一样校服用英语怎么说 哀默大于心死吗? 我在做SSAT的卷子 build a bridge里面什么意思我在做SSAT的卷子build a bridge里面什么意思 打印机用英语怎么拼 Which of the following statements is not true about St.Augustine?A .He was sent by Pope Gregory I to England.B .He was the first Archbiship of Canterbury.C .He was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility.D .One of his greatest a Which of the following statements is (are) true about hyperlinks?Ethics dictate that typically,permission is required from the owner of a Web page in order to create links to their site.They will be displayed by default as green and underlined. 怎么样根据音标拼读出读音啊不要是跟拼音那样拼读就行了啊,我对拼音的拼读也不太会,我知道48个音标怎么读可是不知道怎么拼读啊 音标里读音可由哪些字母组成而发出的?(例:[е]ea)有那么多列那么多, 英语作文给老师的一封信 1._____the bridge over the river ____(build)in the 1940s2.Keep on trying and you _____(have)a better result3.what ___________ (happen) to the earth in a hundred years It's difficult__________a bridge in the village A build B builds C building D to build