
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:42:46
请问形容自己尊重自己的成语?形容自己感到骄傲的成语?自己埋怨自己的成语? 有两只干净的玻璃瓶,一只盛满纯净水,一直是空的,上面都盖了盖子,你怎样用眼睛判断 我家人的饮食习惯这句话用英语怎么写? 英语翻译我这么翻:We've booked 2 nights in the hotel .觉得怪怪的. If I give you seven apples, you will have five times as many as I would then have.However, if you give me seven apples, we will then both have the same number of apples. How many apples do I currently have? 求算式 if i were you,I would have bought it 这句话是否正确? Would you like…?这里的would究竟是不是will的过去式? 英语:sell out的问题 【1】Mary went to the box office at lunch time ,but all the tickets _____out.为何用have sold out不用have been sold out?(这句确定正确) sold out有被动,为何这里不用呢?主动表被动不是表示主 baby please don't tell me you not love me, 英语翻译下.来点互动好? I’ll have him trained in no time.的释义是? I"ll have him trained in to time.(翻译)急! I'll have him trined in no time 答案怎么都不一样啊 单项选择 I 'd like some ____and ___.A.porridge;vegetable B.broccoli;tomatoes C.potatos;bananas 生活在同一地球上的不同生物之间是相互制约、相互联系的例子 《鹿和狼的故事》告诉我们,生活在同一地球上的不同生物之间的关系是 “师生间的互动”用英语怎么说 拥护我们生存的地球,使大瀑布的悲剧不再从演.改病句 “小学英语课堂师生互动研究”英文翻译把这个题目翻译一下,学术点就好. Please baby please tell me that you love Please baby please tell me that you love me 翻译 师生互动融洽用英语怎么说 师生互动教学法英语怎么说 i will not have enough time to study if后句 I will not have enough time to study if, like today I"d rice some and lunch motton for 连词成句 I would like some rice for lunch 的同义句(I ____ _____ ____ some rice for lunch)急 I'd like some rice for lunch.改为一般疑问句 该同学在整理器材时发现,光屏上有教室窗户的像,这像是怎样形成的? 如图所示是一束平行的阳光从教室的窗户射入平面示意图,小强同学测量出BC=1米,NC=4/3米,BC=5/3米,AC=4.5米,MC=6米.试说明AC⊥MC,并求MA的长? 完形填空 every year many people get hurt or die in traffic's very important for [ ]完形填空 every year many people get hurt or die in traffic's very important for [ 英语翻译no cedes a las dificultades en tu ridas 作文:“别了,2013!“