
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:32:45
put the ( )in the penc-case easily destroy and place blocks,no damage nflying and other cool stuff. The bag (put )on the desk is Jim's.请问怎么填 stuff party什么意思 施琅是什么字 nerdy 我的家门前有条小溪用英文怎么翻译 白不懂黑!黑夜不懂黎明!你不懂我? 孔子三人行.什么意思 三人行是什么意思 你永远不懂我伤悲 像白天不懂夜的黑什么意思? 句子为什么要加Is呢?要给小孩子讲怎么通俗一点啊 1.Shall we ____ the reading group?a.join in b.take part in c.join d.go2.Miss Li is going to ____ some children to the park next week.a.give b.pass c.show d.take3.It's Monday morning.The sun _____ (shine)brightly.4.Wash your hands before ____.a.to eat What a wonderful collection of stories!I've never read_____.A.a better oneB.the best one C.a good oneD.the better---I guess you know your way aroud that city well.---Not really.I____for a few days last time.A.stayedB.have stayedC.was stayingD.would s 跪求一篇英语书面表达!郊游通知类的.跪求一篇英语书面表达!要求:时间、地点、活动内容、必带物品、自己准备一道点心跟大家分享 连词成句1.wet,today,is,it,was,but,yesterdar,wetter,it[ 要句子 ]2.shop,in,largest,the,this,the,is,dress[ ]3.tallest,policewoman,I.the,is,have,she,seen,ever[ ]4.am,I,youngest,the,in ,class.the[ ] 改错li ning's gymnastics is very well 畜牧场的动物没有吃食物吃怎么办呢? 牲口用英语怎么读? 《亚瑟王之剑》的英语评论请问哪位看到过有关《亚瑟王之剑》这本书的英语评论呀~有的话能不能提供给小弟一下呀~ If you _____________ what he said,you could have avoided repeating such a bad mistake.A.paid attention to B.had paid attention to C.noticed D.had noticed 选哪个呢? Would you mind repeating what you've jut said?句中 repeating 为什么要加ing 具体是怎么回事? 三人行,必我有师焉 英语书面表达!上周日,你度过了繁忙而有意义的一天.请你参照提示,用英语写一封信,告诉你在美国的笔友Sam,信的开头和结尾已给出,70词左右.上午:6:30起床,洗衣服,做家务和家庭作业下午: 求英文书面表达.你认为哪一项发明即对人们生活有帮助又容易给人们烦恼呢?根据下列提示问题,写一篇80词左右的短文.1.What is the invention?2.Why do you think it's helpful?3.Why dou you think it's annoying?4.Ho 漂亮的柏林城打一词语 are are are is is is ,why 英语中什么情况下用are什么情况下用is?举个例子 要形容女孩子好看打一词语 LVG三脚架管为什么要上粗下细? 畜牧句 中的畜 读音是什么我家在北方`畜牧局不知道是干什么的``我知道有这个词 畜牧 xumu 可在字典里也有 chumu 的音`也是这个词我认识的几乎所有的大人都年chu mu ju我怎么想都觉得得叫xumuj 福三中今天高二作文是什么