
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:04:33
英语中的及物动词的问题infect是及物动词 how many other people are they likely to infect 及物动词可以这样用在句尾么?是不是问句就可以将及物动词放在句尾啊. 英语问题(及物动词的固定搭配)谁可以帮我整理一下英语中及物动词的一些固定搭配?如put.put up穿上,take……(越多越好)(中英文都要)不用太多就是一些常见的就行,像give、stay、look、 语文五年级下五单元复习提纲 雅思作文 麻烦搞篇范文 谢In many cities,planners have located schools,homes,shops,offices in specific areas which were widely separated from each other.Do you think the advantages of the policy overweigh the disadvantages to the city reside 求雅思作文写作心得? 雅思作文五段式该怎么写,如果可以麻烦帮忙写个范文.要求写大作文要怎么写Motorized flight is a great invention in the modern world,no other invention had has a significant impact on our lives.Do you agree or disagree with Every year thousands of lives ______ in road accidents because of careless driving.a、loseb、lostc、have lostd、are lost 英语中的“非及物动词”的用法? 用一元一次方程做, 改完再加100分这是题目Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace.Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sak 雅思作文帮忙修改及评一下分谢谢!请帮忙修改 最后评一下大概多少分 谢谢了!Government should invest more in teaching science than other subjects because it could contribute to the country’s development and progress. To w 能帮忙修改一下雅思作文么,最好能评个分,Some people claim that the increasingly frequent business and cutural communications are positive.Whereas others hold a different opinion.Discuss.In this age of change,the human society is progr There is a general debate about whether the immigratants should alter their former lifestye to adapt the new enviroment or not,has been growing in intensity.Despite the arguments of they should foundamentally change their behavior.As far as I am conc It is no use arguing with him这里的no use 可以替换成useless吗? I don't think it's any use ---------with him .1.You might as well ------him alone.A.arguing;leave.B.to argue ; to leaving.Carguing; leaving.D.to argue; to leavr there is no use your arguing with him 怎么翻译 这是什么句型 your? 句型转换:There is something wrong with my kitchen fan.My kitchen fan ( ) ( ). Something is wrong with my kitchen fan .(改为同义句)_______ __________ ____________ with my kitchen fan. gave me a book to ____.A.take care B.look atC.look D.look after为什么选C呀,其他的为什么不对如果选C如何翻译呀答案是D不是C cos|x| 的图怎么画 已知log3x的图,怎么画log3(x-3)+3的图,把数值点告诉我就行了. He gave a book to me 这里的to只是介词把 没什么作用吧 y=log3 |x|、y=|log3 x|的图像怎么画, He has problems___(finish)the work in two hours The boy spent two hours on the work.If he’s given _____ two hours ,he can finish all the work..The boy spent two hours on the work.If he’s given _____ two hours ,he can finish all the work.A.otherB.the otherC.another D.others这题选什么?为 I wanted mother to give me some money,but I __ a good scolding.A.gave B.had given C.wI wanted mother to give me some money,but I __ a good scolding.A.gave B.had given C.was giving D.was given为什么不可以是was gived 读了尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记的感受是什么 I wanted mother to give me some money,but I __ a good scolding.A.gave B.had given C.was givingD.was given everybody everybody 怎么读? everybody knows Sam Worthington什么意思 英语翻译Where having nothing原来应该是怎样的? 定语从句先行词判断.The power which that possession immediately and directly conveys to him,is the power of purchasing; a certain command over all the labour,or over all the produce of labour,which is then in the market.此句中,which 是指