
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:43:31
I don't think it's very interesting的反义疑问句? 英语翻译1.令我们惊讶的是,第二天他改变了主意 2.爸爸告诉我任何时候都不要失去信心.3.前几天我碰巧在街上碰到了我们的老校长.4.你愿意和我一起完成这项困难的工作吗 25、下列含氧酸中,酸性最弱的是 A.HClO B.HNO2 C.H2SO4 D.HIO4为什么? this,i,things,for,some,need,class,afternoon.连词成句 this l things for some need class afternoon 拼成一句话 不要中文在线等 过啦时间就算拉 Tell me that you need me. Can you tell me where the airport is?改为同义句 如何判断酸性大小?由水解程度来看? Only understand me ,I love you fooever 判断同主族同周期的酸性大小怎么判断?如题,1为什么HF HCL HBR HI的酸性依次增大?2为什么不是HF最强?3我很费解啊,F不是非金属性最强吗?4那其他的怎么判断,比如根据位置怎么判断酸性 ,例如,判 由think引导的句子的反义疑问句的回答看主句还是从句 请问那个 I think 句型反义疑问句,是反从句还是主句啊?例如:I think you are right.He thought you were right. 《夜莺的歌声》 缩写好的话我就加分要350字到400字 缩写《夜莺的歌声》四年级下册 按要求改句子, 按要求改句子!五年级英语 this l things for some need class afternoon连词成句 甲乙是常见元素的单质,A、B是常见的化合物,他们的反应甲+A--B+乙.1、若甲乙为金属,且乙的硫酸盐溶液为蓝色,写出反应的化学方程式2、若甲为非金属单质,A中含有+3价金属元素,写出反应的化 Where's the hospital?It's_____ _____the bank.表示医院在银行后面或表示医院在银行对面 where is the police station为什么加the 疯狂猜图 猜品牌.四个字母? 问警察医院怎么走,用英语展开一段对话,开头Where is the Centre hospital I think和He think 后面所跟的反义疑问句有什么不同 反义疑问句的练习题 有关think等的相关练习 关于think的反义疑问句I think I am right,don’t I?为什么要用don’t?不是说think、belive、expect、suppose、imagine等词引导的定语从句,疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成反义疑问句么?I think I am right中I am ri 关于think的反义疑问句有哪些要点?主语是第一人称应该怎么办,比如I don't think he is a runner,__?不是第一人称时怎么办? think的反义疑问句要不要考虑时态如何考虑 he would like to go to work (by underground.)对打括号的提问 she has to take a taxi( when it rains.he would like to go to work (by underground.)对打括号的提问 she has to take a taxi( when it rains.)it took him (three years) to travel aro Can we ____ any people when riding a bicycle?Can we _____ any people when riding a bicycle?a.carry b.take c.bring d.have When it rains ,I go to school by bus instead___by bikeA from B for C of D to It is about ____(minute)walk from school to the hospital. 想问下,我有两天的假期英语应该怎么说呢 i have a two-day holiday i have a two days' holidayi have a two-day holidayi have a two days' holiday这两句哪个对呢,加不加那个A呢请告之,