
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 20:03:38
哪些词后面只能接will引导的定语从句希望能写全一点,我要记下来的.最好每个词都带有一个例句,例句要有译文哦! 头脑风暴法是不是可以让记忆提高好几倍 头脑风暴法的步骤怎么写?急求! needed与necessary有什么区别 needed necessary requirement 三者的区别是什么? Hs says,“My room is clean now.Hs says,“My room is clean now. 1.Lily like playing ( )Piano,and she has ( ) piano lesson every Sunday.单项选择 A:the;the B:the;aC:/ ;the D:/;a 英文翻译:不带星号的字段,旁边的输入框不需要输入字符请帮忙翻译上面的那句话,提示一下状态,就是创建用户时不带星号的字段框不需要输入信息. 英语翻译My name is Tim Mason,I‘m a retail consultant,and** many of you will have seen me shadowing you in your jobs and looking through the accounts **and so on in the company over the last week.1.秋枫清雨 2.你们中的很多人看到, They went ____ the woods and ____ the hills.A:through,over B:over,down C:down,through D:through,down They are _ the woods.They are _ the woods. A.in B.on C.at Let us go!的问题这是一个歧视句,但是它的主语是什么呢?为什么不写出来啊? suggest sb doing 帮取个英文名,字母D开头的,和魏姓匹配.自己觉得Devin不错,可是和自己的姓连起来读——Devin Wei又不太顺口,所以拜托各位广开思路帮我想一个好听又好记的英文名.我也想用David,可是公司同 女,姓魏,名巍然,帮我取一个合适的英文名 suggest sb doing sth 有无此形式,举例说明 我想给我女儿起个中文名但听起来有点英文名的音 我姓魏 l ————(meet)him while l ——————(walk) in the street Is there cup on the table?这句话有错吗?怎么改?Is there cup on the table?帮忙改一下,谢了~~ 连词成句homework eight your do o'clock(.) street must we on play the not (.) 外交让我起个英文名,不常见的就可以,好听一点的,我姓魏!我姓魏,越不常见越好,名字和姓都要 what d'ya say we rest here and have some lunch nowwhat d'ya say是不是你在说啥?整句怎么理解 带有古诗词的优美片段最好要有3句古诗的片段啊不是纯古诗,是优美片段里带着古诗. 求一首英文歌的名字,里面有很多She was节奏比较欢快,是年轻的女声演唱,不是艾薇儿. dead on the inside/内心已经死了缩写成dead inside It's (a so interesting topic) that all students joined the discussion这句子是不是错在冠词上?还是其它地方 His interesting lecture (elicited) applause and laughter from the audience.A.brought forth B.kept backC.took away Oh,do be careful,don't (tread) on the flowers.A.treat B.jump C.step 选择跟括号里最接近的一项. 类似细雨湿衣看不见的有意境的古诗词 我真的累极了,用英语I'm really dead,我一直搞不懂是I'm really dead.I'm really die还是I'm really died.哪一个是正确的?别给我其他的句子!唉,都说了别给我其他的句子.....你们以为我不懂英语咩..... 少交一张试卷英语怎么说 suggest doing sth. suggest doing sth.与do sth.的区别