
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:14:47
压前片英语怎么说...纺织英语 介绍伊索寓言中的两个故事任写两个即可 英语翻译你们填空空:We always wear tidy clothes( ) ( ) ( ).[一个空一个单词,翻译这句话]总共4个空空 用英语翻译下列句子:如果穿写新潮的衣服打扮一下,你会是个帅小伙. 输入英文时怎么打在上面打逗号 把我中文名二少翻译成英文名称 英语翻译我叫韩文亮 中文翻译成英文是叫什么啊? These shose are the twins'.对the twins'提问 where are the twins'schoolbags什么意思 could you tell me where the twins ___是填are还是were为什么73. these shoes are (the twins') 对括号内提问.___ ___ these shoes? These are the _______(twins)rooms.The red _______(one)are theirs.Let me _______(look)at your watch.The hat on the chair is _______(she)I have three _______(knife)The map is on the wall of _______(they)classroom.Uncle Li _______a new car (ha 关于英语音标音节元音字组在重读音中的读音的问题!这个图片里有错吗,我是个初学者 There are some ( ) in these ( )选项:A.knifes.pencil-boxesB.knives.pencils-boxC.knives.pencil-boxD.knives.pencils-boxes There are some pencils in the box(改为否定句) There are some knives in these___.A.box B.boxes C.boxs 改错 Are there some pencils in the pencil-box?哪里错了 英语音标 长元音的问题我在网上查找的长元音有长元音 [i:] [E:] [O:] [u:] [A:]但是我购买的好记星 长元音是[i:] [3:] [C:](这个C是反过来的) [u:] [A:]为什么长元音音标不一样呢? 英语音标怎么看才知道是长元音或短元音例如music-音乐为什么写成音标是这样的呢?['mju:zik]还有missile-导弹为什么写成音标是这样的呢?['misail]完全不明白它是根据什么来的还有missile-导弹不是 我要音标元音的分类,单元音和双元音,分类,两个相似的元音,一个长的一个短的一共28个,用大括号分起来,给30分. 外形有差别的元音音标 Are these your Are these your pens?(同义句转换) Are these ------------ -------------- 英语翻译Mohammed Gasm EL SeedAdvocate and comm.For Oathskisha Building--second floorOffice NO:"68"-P.O.Box:1213 KhartoumLease Contract of House NO.74,Block 16,Al Riyadh-Khartoum.This Lease contract is made on 3th october,2006 by and between Mr Sa 我知道 这些是你们的箱子吗翻译是Are these your boxes?那这些是你的箱子吗又该怎么翻译? 重组 these.your .store .boxes .重组 these.your .store .boxes .apartmebt.in can you for me? 《伊索寓言》主要内容有那几个方面 These boxes are brown.变单数求了快 These boxes are ours.(氦为单数形式) These are oranges.(改为单数句) These boxes are ours氦为单数形式 同事用英语怎么说