
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 13:25:31
紧张 开放 汹涌的反义词是什么? 韩的左边加个卜念什么 请问Jim and Tom's book和Jim's and Tom's book的区别和用法是什么?【那个,book用不用加s】谓语动词用单数还是复数? 介词填空The boy cried out 什么the top of his voice 填介词Go ____ the steps to the top of the mountain2、The students are standing _______ the teacher and asking questions完成句子 1、Pass the little red house and you will see the river(同义句)______ ______ the little red house and you will The whale has a nose_____the top of its head.填什么介词?童鞋们,表无视偶……= =嗯嗯,填什么介词呢? 1.I·m in class Nine Grade seve.2.She is Jane.3.He is Twelve.4.I am thirteen.1.变否定句.2.变一般疑问句,并作肯定,否定回答. dat是什么意思 nice ass 美国口语中的nice 字面意思我懂的 ass licking什么意思 言字旁加萝卜的卜念什么 (1).Tom is watching the movie.(改为一般疑问句)(2).Are they having lunch at home now?(用every day替换now)(3).My sister and I are (cleaning our room).(对画线部分提问). 在横线上写上适当的形态Mon ——(cook) when the bell rang 2.Hurry up,or you ___ (miss) the train. my sister her finger when she helped mom cook dinner. peple don't many run too on are the there street连词成句 for the time being\ moment是什么意思? 初中英语倒装句,比如so do i 这种句子,如何判断是否部分倒装还是全部倒装 next-to-last 是什么意思? keep your mind on what your are studying什么意思 What's On Your Mind?歌词 next to the mistake是什么意思? 英语作文..假如你是ann,刚参加了一个为期两周的美国游学活动,住在格林家,和mr.green,mrs.green以及他们的女儿green结下了深厚的友情.,写一封感谢信,感谢他们对你的照顾和帮助dear mr.green,mrs.green It is only a few s from my home to school Do Chinese like tea? 关于“无名指”的英文,有些翻译为fourth finger,有些翻译为third finger,到底怎样才是准确的? 英语翻译到底是每个人都会做的事情,能让你比较特别?what make us special,还是每个人都不会做到的事情,能让你比较特别?逻辑上来看,当然是别人不会做的事情,才能令你特别.如果你会飞,你绝对 英语翻译变魔术很难、既难熟练、又难创新,但观众很少为魔术师疯狂,也许会赞赏,但实在很 少会像见到偶像那样声嘶力竭地尖叫到落泪或昏倒.唱歌、跳舞、说话、讲故事,都是很原始的技能, It is(three hours' drive )from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.A.three—hours—drive B.three—hour drIt is(three hours' drive )from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.A.three—hours—drive B.three—hour driveC.a three—hour driveD..a three—hour —driv It's three hours' drive from Beiijing to Shijiazhuang .three hours'drive同意短语A.a three- hour drive B three-hour drive only I am going to school on foot now.今天上英语课时,英语老师让我在黑板上写“我现在步行去上学”,我便写下了“I am going to school on foot now.”没想到老师竟来了一句:"这句话是一个病语.Be going to是一 our teacher is standing ( a___ ) student